Teller Report

"My performance was better": nomined, Axel (Star Academy) takes down his classmates

12/7/2023, 2:07:14 PM

Highlights: "My performance was better": nomined, Axel (Star Academy) takes down his classmates. The academician, who was at the top of the class, learned of his appointment on Wednesday evening. Shocked, Axel went to cry in the toilet before bitterly criticizing the performances of his classmates, Pierre and Julien. On X, Star Academy fans didn't really appreciate Axel's behavior, which was considered arrogant and contemptuous. Axel had better digest his nomination if he wants to be saved by the public on Saturday night.

Hard blow for Axel. The academician, who was at the top of the class, learned of his appointment on Wednesday evening. Shocked, Axel went to cry in the toilet before bitterly criticizing the performances of his classmates, Pierre and Julien, who he said had sung badly during the evaluations.

Solène Delinger 14:55 p.m., December 07, 2023

Hard blow for Axel. The academician, who was at the top of the class, learned of his appointment on Wednesday evening. Shocked, Axel went to cry in the toilet before bitterly criticizing the performances of his classmates, Pierre and Julien, who he said had sung badly during the evaluations.

Axel still hasn't gotten over it. On Wednesday, December 6, Michael Goldman announced the names of this week's three nominees. To everyone's surprise, the academician, who is at the top of the class, is one of the unlucky ones who risk elimination in the next prime. Candice and Margot were also nominated.

"I know I made a good assessment"

An experience they have already had, unlike Axel, who was one of the darlings of the class. The apprentice singer didn't understand his teachers' choice at all. According to him, his performance was simply better than those of some of his comrades. "They talked about the vocal technique but Pierre, he was wrong at times," Axel told Margot, a few hours after crying following his appointment.

READ ALSO- 'Star Academy': Why Djebril never phones his family

"The wrong notes I've made, I don't see where they are"

"I thought my performance was better. The teachers told me that I had falsehoods in my song. Compared to my assessment, I know that I made a good assessment, I don't feel like I missed out," he said, without ever questioning himself. It was then Julien whom Axel openly tackled. The academician is convinced that his comrade should have been in his place on the bench of nominees. "Julien's letting go? I don't see how he let go. He just got up, walked and came back. I didn't see any letting go," he said in front of Candice before adding another layer: "The false notes I've made, I don't see where they are, and it's not even denial, it's that I don't feel like I've made them (...) Julien has done so, and there is not a single one who tells him. Peter hit the wrong notes that everyone heard."

Axel: "Julien and Pierre hit the wrong notes. I didn't hit any wrong notes" very arrogant your buddy.

— Mar+in (Candice) (@Arleon742223421) December 7, 2023

Internet users outraged by Axel's behavior

On X, Star Academy fans didn't really appreciate Axel's behavior, which was considered arrogant and contemptuous. "Axel's worst enemy is his ego. Music is not an exact science. He can't conceive that a performance that was perfect for him couldn't be perfect in the eyes of others. He won't evolve with this mentality", "Axel is unbearable!! still talking about Pierre and questioning the teachers' opinion!! It's getting really serious, he's on a loop right now. and he is incapable of questioning himself", or "I find Axel's attitude really unbearable, he spends his time making excuses, he will never admit that the mistake comes from him", we can read on the social network. Axel had better digest his nomination if he wants to be saved by the public on Saturday night...

Axel is unbearable!! Still talking about Pierre and questioning the teachers' opinion!!
It's getting really serious, he's on a loop right now. and he is unable to question himself

— cam (@camst288) December 7, 2023

I find Axel's attitude really unbearable, he spends his time making excuses, he will never admit that the mistake comes from him, he will never question himself. It is more and more unbearable #StarAcademy

— BloodyMary ♀️ (@leyna_aurelia) December 5, 2023