Teller Report

The Court of Appeal increases punishment for men involved in murder of teenager in Stockholm

12/6/2023, 10:56:22 AM

Highlights: The Court of Appeal increases punishment for men involved in murder of teenager in Stockholm. In July 2022, a 17-year-old was found dead in a wooded area in Nacka. A total of seven people were charged with involvement in the murder. Prosecutors have demanded to the Court of appeal a harsher punishment for two of those involved, something the court has now accepted. Hear more about it in the video below: teenager-in-Sweden-increased-to-14-years.html#storylink=cpy.

In July 2022, a 17-year-old was found dead in a wooded area in Nacka in Stockholm. Several people were convicted of involvement in the kidnapping and murder. Now the Court of Appeal has given longer prison terms for two of the defendants.

The murdered 17-year-old is said to have been reported missing a day before he was found dead in Orminge in Nacka. He is said to have been abducted by two masked men armed with knives and later murdered with stab wounds and automatic weapons.

A total of seven people were charged with involvement in the murder. At the time of the attack, the defendants were between 15 and 24 years old.

But the district court did not consider that it was clear who the perpetrator was.

"It is clear from the investigation that other people have also been involved and none of the accused have been linked to the murder scene," said the District Court's Chief Judge Olof Wetterqvist after the verdict.

Court of Appeal issues harsher sentences

The prosecutors have demanded to the Court of Appeal a harsher punishment for two of those involved, something the Court of Appeal has now accepted.

In the district court, a 20-year-old man was convicted of, among other things, having instructed a younger boy to deliver the machine gun to the perpetrators who carried out the murder.

He was sentenced to thirteen years' imprisonment. The Court of Appeal tightens it to fourteen years.

A 25-year-old man was sentenced in the district court to eight years in prison, among other things for having been involved in purchasing the car used in the crimes. There, the Court of Appeal changes the length of the sentence to almost eleven years.

"The Court of Appeal has agreed with us, so we are satisfied," says senior prosecutor Daniel Insulander.

The two men have applied to the Court of Appeal for the prosecution to be dismissed, or the length of the sentence shortened.

A split in the Älvsjö network, which is about control of the drug market, is said to have been one of the most important reasons for the murder, according to prosecutor Lukas Tigerstrand. Hear more about it in the video below:

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