Teller Report

Hong Kong democracy activist Chow Ting: "I'm still worried about my safety"

12/6/2023, 10:47:07 AM

Highlights: Hong Kong democracy activist Chow Ting is staying in Toronto, Canada. Ting was released from prison three years ago after being sentenced to prison in connection with the protests. "My biggest concern is my own safety," Ting said in an online interview with NHK on the 6th. He also shared his mixed feelings about his decision not to return to Hong Kong, saying, "It was a very difficult and difficult decision. I would like to go back toHong Kong if it becomes a place where freedom and human rights are guaranteed"

Hong Kong democracy activist Chow Ting, who revealed that he is staying in Canada, said in an online interview with NHK on the 6th, "My biggest worry ...

Hong Kong democracy activist Chow Ting, who revealed that he is staying in Canada, said in an online interview with NHK on the 6th, "My biggest concern is my own safety," and said that he was worried that the Chinese authorities would not be aware of his actions.

Hong Kong democracy activist Chow Wai was released from prison three years ago after being sentenced to prison in connection with the protests, but on December 3, he announced in a social media post that he left Hong Kong in September and is staying in Toronto, Canada.

In an online interview with NHK on the 12th, Mr. Zhou recalled the situation when he was in Hong Kong, saying, "I was so scared that I was arrested under the Hong Kong National Security Law, and I also had PTSD.

In addition, he mentioned that his passport had been taken away by the authorities at the time, and explained why he decided to study in Canada, saying, "I wanted to change something, and I wanted to study at a Canadian university."

After his stay in Canada, he said, "What worries me the most is the Chinese secret police, who are said to be overseas, and my biggest concern is my own safety," and talked about his current state of mind that he is worried that the Chinese authorities are aware of his actions.

He also shared his mixed feelings about his decision not to return to Hong Kong, saying, "It was a very difficult and difficult decision because Hong Kong is my home, but I would like to go back to Hong Kong if it becomes a place where freedom and human rights are guaranteed."

"Over the past three years, I have come to understand what 'freedom from fear' is, and the people of Japan have democracy, freedom, and human rights guarantees as a matter of course. It's important to take care of that."