Teller Report

French solutions that improve team cohesion in companies

12/6/2023, 8:26:30 PM

Highlights: French solutions that improve team cohesion in companies. Work, education, health... They are working across the country to shake things up and break the codes. Who are these citizens, these companies, these communities that are committed and inventing the world of tomorrow? Inspiring portraits and testimonies. Elisabeth Assayag SEASON 2023 - 202421:15, 06 December 2023. In "La France bouge", Elis Elizabeth takes a tour of France of positive and innovative initiatives. Inès Vanderschelden, co-founder of Yo'time.

In "La France bouge", Elisabeth Assayag takes a tour of France of positive and innovative initiatives. Work, education, health... They are working across the country to shake things up and break the codes: who are these citizens, these companies, these communities that are committed and inventing the world of tomorrow? Inspiring portraits and testimonies.

Elisabeth Assayag SEASON 2023 - 202421:15, 06 December 2023

In "La France bouge", Elisabeth Assayag takes a tour of France of positive and innovative initiatives. Work, education, health... They are working across the country to shake things up and break the codes: who are these citizens, these companies, these communities that are committed and inventing the world of tomorrow? Inspiring portraits and testimonies.

- Benjamin Abittan, Managing Director of ChâteauForm.

- Inès Vanderschelden, co-founder of Yo'time.

- Flore Egnell, General Delegate of Willa.

- Magaly Simeon, co-founder of Lily Makes Life Easier.