Teller Report

Europe 13 p.m.: Grenelle de l'anti-terrorism, Gabriel Attal's announcements and 2024 European elections with "Alliance Rural"

12/6/2023, 1:25:49 PM

Highlights: Europe 13 p.m.: Grenelle de l'anti-terrorism, Gabriel Attal's announcements and 2024 European elections with "Alliance Rural" Céline Géraud, accompanied by the editorial staff of Europe 1, offers a complete update on the news every lunchtime, followed by debates between guests and listeners. SEASON 2023 - 202414h15, 06 December 2023. Célines show will be on Europe 1 from 14h15 until 16h15.

Céline Géraud, accompanied by the editorial staff of Europe 1, offers a complete update on the news every lunchtime, followed by debates between guests and listeners.

Céline Géraud SEASON 2023 - 202414h15, 06 December 2023

Céline Géraud, accompanied by the editorial staff of Europe 1, offers a complete update on the news every lunchtime, followed by debates between guests and listeners.

- Dorian Dreuil, political scientist, associate expert at the Jean Jaurès
Foundation- Jean-Rémi Girard, spokesperson for the SNALC (National Union of High Schools, Colleges, Schools and Higher Education).
- Arthur Dénouvelles, Bataclan survivor, essay and president of the association Life for Paris