Teller Report

CSU politician Stefan Müller becomes head of Finanzverbund

12/6/2023, 11:57:44 AM

Highlights: CSU politician Stefan Müller becomes head of Finanzverbund. Formally, he was one of the most important representatives of the CSU in the Bundestag – but he never pushed his way to the fore. In June 2024, the trained banker is to become Chief Representative and then Chairman of the Board and President of the Association of Cooperatives of Bavaria. The member of parliament from the Franconian town of Erlangen has been a member of the BundESTag since 2002.

Formally, he was one of the most important representatives of the CSU in the Bundestag – but he never pushed his way to the fore. Now the Parliamentary Secretary Stefan Müller is moving to the Bavarian Cooperative Association.

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Stefan Müller (CSU)

Photo: dts News Agency / IMAGO

The parliamentary secretary of the CSU parliamentary group, Stefan Müller, is moving from politics to a Bavarian financial association. In June 2024, the trained banker is to become Chief Representative and then Chairman of the Board and President of the Association of Cooperatives of Bavaria (GVB) in August.

As parliamentary secretary of the CSU regional group, Müller was formally the most important representative of the Christian Social members of the Bundestag after chairman Alexander Dobrindt. Unlike the head of the regional group, Dobrindt, however, Müller never pushed himself into the public eye, preferring to organize in the background. The member of parliament from the Franconian town of Erlangen has been a member of the Bundestag since 2002.

After his apprenticeship, Müller worked for a few years in a Bavarian Raiffeisen bank, according to a statement from the association. "As a trained banker and banking specialist, he has the necessary tools," said Gerhard Walther, honorary president of the association and chairman of the GVB association council. He is firmly rooted in Bavaria, knows the cooperative system and has close ties to medium-sized businesses."

Through his previous activities as Parliamentary Secretary of the CSU state group in the Bundestag and as Parliamentary State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Stefan Müller has the necessary experience for the management of the association.