Teller Report

China's tax authorities help Chinese companies that are "going global" to reduce their tax-related risks

12/6/2023, 12:56:12 PM

Highlights: China's tax authorities help Chinese companies that are "going global" to reduce their tax-related risks. A tax treaty seminar with the theme of "'Tax Road' Escorts the Last Mile, and the Agreement Helps Enterprises Enter Africa" was held in Beijing. With the recent signing of bilateral tax treaties between China and Cameroon and Senegal, China's tax treaty network has covered 114 countries (regions), basically covering the main destinations for China's outbound investment. The seminar was mainly aimed at enterprises investing in Africa, and representatives of 27 Chinese-funded enterprises investing or operating in Africa participated.

China News Service, Beijing, December 12 (Reporter Zhao Jianhua) China's State Administration of Taxation on the 6th introduced the tax treaty in detail to Chinese-funded enterprises investing in Africa, reminding them of the common tax-related risks of "going out" enterprises, and providing support for cross-border taxpayers to improve the certainty of investment and operation.

On the same day, a tax treaty seminar with the theme of "'Tax Road' Escorts the Last Mile, and the Agreement Helps Enterprises Enter Africa" was held in Beijing. At the seminar, the relevant person in charge of the International Taxation Department of the State Administration of Taxation explained in detail the role of tax treaties, the content of the main provisions and the specific application requirements. During the meeting, he focused on the negotiation and signing of tax treaties between China and African countries in the past 10 years, summarized the common tax-related risks of "going global" enterprises based on actual cases, and put forward suggestions on the compliance and good use of tax treaties by enterprises to resolve cross-border tax-related disputes.

The seminar was mainly aimed at enterprises investing in Africa, and representatives of 27 Chinese-funded enterprises investing or operating in Africa participated. Representatives of participating enterprises said that the seminar was very practical, and they would make good use of tax treaties to protect their legitimate rights and interests in the face of cross-border tax-related disputes in the future.

According to Zhou Huaishi, deputy director of the International Taxation Department of the State Administration of Taxation, as an important legal basis for international tax administration, tax treaties help eliminate the double taxation problems faced by cross-border taxpayers, improve tax certainty, promote tax-related dispute resolution, and play an important role in promoting cross-border trade, technology, capital and personnel exchanges. With the recent signing of bilateral tax treaties between China and Cameroon and Senegal, China's tax treaty network has covered 114 countries (regions), basically covering the main destinations for China's outbound investment. (ENDS)