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Al Jazeera condemns the killing of 22 members of its correspondent's family in Gaza and calls for Israel to be held accountable

12/6/2023, 7:36:17 PM

Highlights: Al Jazeera condemns the killing of 22 members of its correspondent's family in Gaza and calls for Israel to be held accountable. The network explained that the shelling that he suffered – on Wednesday – a house where Momen's family took refuge in Jabalia camp led to the martyrdom of his father, mother, three of his brothers, and a number of their sons and daughters. Al Jazeera confirms that it will take appropriate legal measures before the competent authorities to hold those responsible for this crime accountable.

Al Jazeera Media Network condemned the Israeli shelling that led to the death of 22 family members of colleague Moamen Al-Sharafi, correspondent of Al-Jazeera news channel in Gaza.

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Al Jazeera Media Network condemned the Israeli shelling that led to the death of 22 family members of colleague Moamen Al-Sharafi, correspondent of Al-Jazeera news channel in Gaza.

The network explained that the shelling that he suffered – on Wednesday – a house where Momen's family took refuge in Jabalia camp led to the martyrdom of his father, mother, three of his brothers, and a number of their sons and daughters.

Al Jazeera Media Network expressed its sincere condolences and great sympathy to Momen, his family and colleagues, and called for the Israeli army to be held accountable for its crimes committed daily against journalists and innocent civilians in the Gaza Strip.

Al Jazeera confirms that it will take appropriate legal measures before the competent authorities to hold those responsible for this crime accountable. It urges the international community and press defence organizations to work to put an end to these massacres as quickly as possible and to achieve justice for the families of the martyrs and the innocent injured.

Source : Al Jazeera