Teller Report

3 dead and several wounded as clashes continue in the West Bank

12/6/2023, 8:46:36 AM

Highlights: 3 dead and several wounded as clashes continue in the West Bank. Israeli occupation forces withdrew from Jenin refugee camp in the northern West Bank after an 8-hour raid, blowing up a house and carrying out arrests. 260 Palestinians were killed, 3200,3580 were injured, and 7,<> were arrested since October, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health. Palestinian prisoners released from Israeli jails in the exchange deal with Hamas reported harassment, torture, beatings, sleeping on the floor and lack of food inside their detention centers.

Today, Wednesday, 3 Palestinians were killed by the Israeli occupation army after clashes in the occupied West Bank, while others were injured during raids in Dheisheh camp.

3 Palestinians killed by Israeli army bullets during clashes in the West Bank (Anatolia)

Today, Wednesday, two Palestinian youths were killed by the Israeli occupation army during clashes in the city of Tubas in the occupied West Bank, and a third was killed from his injuries in Tulkarm, while 3 others were wounded by Israeli bullets in clashes that erupted in Dheisheh refugee camp, south of Bethlehem, and are still ongoing.

The Israeli occupation forces raided Dheisheh refugee camp, amid indiscriminate shooting, injuring 3 young men, one of them critically, and raided a number of citizens' homes, tampered with their contents and arrested 3 other youths.

The funeral of the two martyrs who rose in Fara'a and Tamoun camp kicks off from the Turkish Hospital in Tubas

— Shehab News Agency (@ShehabAgency) December 6, 2023

As part of a series of daily raids into West Bank cities and towns, IDF members also stormed some homes in the city of Qalqilya, wreaking havoc on them.

The Israeli occupation forces withdrew from Jenin refugee camp in the northern West Bank after an 8-hour raid, blowing up a house and carrying out arrests.

Ongoing attacks

In parallel with the war on the Gaza Strip, the Israeli army has stepped up its incursions into West Bank cities, towns and camps, during which 260 Palestinians were killed, 3200,3580 were injured, and 7,<> were arrested since October <>, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health.

The Israeli army has also turned West Bank cities into battlefields, cutting them off through military checkpoints and earth mounds, while settlers continue to launch occasional attacks on Palestinian residents and property.

During its operations in the West Bank, Israel uses live bullets, shelling and drone surveillance, especially in the Jenin and Nour Shams refugee camps.

Israeli military operations are focused on storming large areas in the West Bank, most notably the camps of Jenin, Nur Shams, Tulkarm, Balata and Askar in the northern West Bank, Aqbat Jabr, Al-Arroub and Dheisheh.

During the incursions, Israeli forces used military bulldozers to raze streets, destroy electricity, water and communications networks, and destroyed monuments.

Two months into the war on Gaza, the number of Palestinian martyrs and detainees in the West Bank continues to increase on a daily basis, exacerbated by settler violence that has carried out hundreds of attacks against Palestinians, including firing live bullets, beating people, throwing stones at vehicles, attacking Palestinian homes and vandalizing their property.

According to official estimates, settler violence has displaced at least 143 Palestinian families from their Bedouin areas.

Campaign of arrests

The Israeli army has been carrying out large-scale arrest campaigns that have affected 3580,7 Palestinians since October <>, according to the Palestinian Prisoners' Club.

Official data indicate that the Israeli authorities were holding 7800,33 Palestinians in their prisons as of the end of last November, including 166 women, 2873 children and <>,<> administrative detainees (without charge).

Israel released 71 prisoners and 169 children in prisoner exchange deals with the Islamist group Hamas under a seven-day humanitarian truce.

Before October 7, Israel was detaining 5250,37 Palestinians, including 180 female prisoners, 1319 children and <>,<> administrative detainees.

Palestinian data indicate that six prisoners have been killed in Israeli prisons as a result of the policy of torture since October 6.

Palestinian prisoners released from Israeli jails in the exchange deal with Hamas reported harassment, torture, beatings, sleeping on the floor and lack of food inside their detention centers.

Source : Al Jazeera + Agencies