Teller Report

Johns Hopkins University Pediatrician Arrested After Inflammatory Statements to Exterminate Palestinians

12/5/2023, 7:48:40 PM

Highlights: Johns Hopkins University Pediatrician Arrested After Inflammatory Statements to Exterminate Palestinians. Johns Hopkins University has arrested one of its top doctors after he made a series of inflammatory statements against Palestinians on social media. Dr. Darren Klugman posted inflammatory remarks on Twitter X after Operation Maximum Flood began on Oct. 7. He called them "bloodthirsty and morally corrupt animals that want nothing less than every inch of Israel and kill all the Jews" Two Johns Hopkins physicians also reported a culture of fear among doctors, staff and patients in the wake of those posts.

Johns Hopkins University has arrested one of its top doctors after he made a series of inflammatory statements against Palestinians on social media. He called them "bloodthirsty animals."

Dr. Darren Klughman, Director of Pediatric Cardiac Critical Care at Johns Hopkins Pediatric Center (social media)

Johns Hopkins University has arrested one of its top doctors after he made a series of inflammatory statements against Palestinians on social media, calling them "bloodthirsty and morally corrupt animals," according to reports.

Dr. Darren Klugman, director of pediatric cardiac critical care at Johns Hopkins Pediatric and Congenital Heart Center and associate professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, posted inflammatory remarks on Twitter X after Operation Maximum Flood began on Oct. 7.

Zionist of the week: Darren Klugman, M.D.

Dr. Klugman is a pediatric cardiologist and associate professor at Johns Hopkins Medicine.

He uses his X account to advocate for genocide, call people of certain ethnicities "depraved animals", and glorify/promote violence.@DrKlugs we...

— Stop Zionist Hate (@StopZionistHate) November 13, 2023

"These are the Palestinians," Klugman wrote. Bloodthirsty and morally corrupt animals that want nothing less than every inch of Israel and kill all the Jews."

He added in a series of tweets: "Stop telling me about peace partners. It's time to get every inch of Israel back to the Jews." "Israel has no peace partner with the Palestinians. Barbary animals that don't care about life."

In one post, Klugman commented with the phrase "hopefully" in response to a tweeter's concerns about a "large-scale massacre" in Palestine. He called them "people who rape and kill civilians."

As Klugman wrote, "Don't talk about peace and Israeli aggression. It's time to retake Gaza since 2005 and end Iran's nuclear program."

Palestinians are "savage animals."

— Stop Zionist Hate (@StopZionistHate) November 13, 2023

The editorial board of the Johns Hopkins Newsletter published an editorial calling on the university to be transparent in its investigations into Dr. Klugman's tweets and to hold him accountable.

Opening an investigation and suspension from work

According to Johns Hopkins Hospital, Klugman has been investigated for his inflammatory tweets that contained racist and hateful language.

These posts garnered public attention, prompting Klugman to delete his X account, while the university and hospital acknowledged the tweets. Now Klugman has been placed on leave pending the completion of the investigation.

Two Johns Hopkins physicians also reported a culture of fear among doctors, staff and patients in the wake of those posts. They also expressed concern that a doctor with such hateful views could endanger Palestinian and Arab patients receiving care at Hopkins.

According to the university's statement of principles on diversity and equity, the university aims to build "an inclusive intellectual and physical environment to ensure that all members of our community know for sure that they belong to Johns Hopkins University."

Johns Hopkins doctors report widespread culture of fear among doctors, staff and patients in the wake of the Klugman publications (Al Jazeera)

Zainab Chaudhry, director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) in Maryland, said in a statement, "We thank the editorial board of the Johns Hopkins News Bulletin for taking its position and seeking transparency and accountability from the university in its investigation into Dr. Klugman's troubling comments."

"Medical professionals are tasked with saving lives and swear not to harm them. Dr. Kellogman's attitudes contradict this spirit and have irreparably damaged trust within the community and among his colleagues."

Last month, the Council on American-Islamic Relations called for Klugman's work to be terminated and his medical license revoked.

Source : Al Jazeera + Websites