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Israel's war in Gaza, breaking news | Israel says its ground troops are fighting "in the heart" of Hamas strongholds in Gaza

12/5/2023, 4:05:38 PM

Highlights: Israel's war in Gaza reaches the Congress of Deputies, where the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, appears on the subject. Albares stresses that the "innocent victims" on the Palestinian side and on the Israeli side are "equally unbearable" The European Commission warns of the "enormous risk" of Christmas attacks in the EU due to the war between Israel and Hamas. The PP warns Sánchez that Israel and Gaza "are not comparable enemies" and cannot "impose" the Palestinian state.

Israel's war in Gaza reaches the Congress of Deputies, where the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, appears on the subject of the

  • Israel-Hamas War Israel Expands Ground Operation in Southern Gaza Strip
  • War Israel - Hamas Albares defends Spain's position in the conflict in Gaza despite the diplomatic crisis with Israel

Israel's war in Gaza reaches the Congress of Deputies, where the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, appears on the diplomatic crisis between Spain and Israel. In his first speech - interrupted for two minutes by the pro-Palestinian shouts of two people who were in the guest gallery - Albares stressed that the "innocent victims" on the Palestinian side and on the Israeli side are "equally unbearable".

On the ground, Israel intensified the war in Gaza on Tuesday with bombings and evacuation orders in Khan Younis. It is the second largest city in the Palestinian Strip and is located in the southern part of the enclave. This is motivating that, despite the criticism of international organizations, the same pattern as in the northern zone is repeated: high number of victims, buildings reduced to rubble and thousands of displaced people who have nowhere to turn.

Paradoxically, Israel's war in Gaza marks the reappearance on the international scene of Russian President Putin, the architect and protagonist of his ownwar in Ukraine.

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The European Commission warns of the "enormous risk" of Christmas attacks in the EU due to the war between Israel and Hamas

The European Commissioner for Home Affairs, Yiva Johansson, warned on Tuesday of the "enormous risk" of possible attacks in the European Union during Christmas due to the polarisation in society due to the war between Israel and Hamas.

"With the war between Israel and Hamas and the polarization it causes in our society with the upcoming Christmas season, there is a huge risk of terrorist attacks in the European Union as we saw recently in Paris," Johansson told reporters on arrival at the European Home Affairs Council.

That risk of attacks, such as the one that cost the life of a German tourist and injured two more people in the center of Paris, is one of the topics on the agenda of the meeting of interior ministers being held in Brussels today, and which will be the last in this format during the Spanish presidency of the Council of the EU that ends on December 31.

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The PP warns Sánchez that Israel and Hamas "are not comparable enemies" and cannot "impose" the Palestinian state

The deputy secretary of Institutional Affairs of the PP, Esteban González Pons, warned the head of the Executive, Pedro Sánchez, on Tuesday that Israel and Hamas "are not comparable enemies" because "one is a state as democratic" as the Spanish one and the other "a murderous gang". That said, he said that the PSOE and Sumar government cannot "pretend to impose the Palestinian state" without it being part of an agreement with Israel.

In the debate in Congress to address the situation in the Middle East, González Pons has criticized the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, for having tried to put "common places to political improvisation" during his parliamentary appearance. "But recognize that the government must have been very clumsy in something, at least from a diplomatic point of view, for Hamas to thank the president for his clear and bold stance, according to the terrorists," he said.

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Israel says its ground troops are already fighting "in the heart" of Hamas strongholds in Gaza

The Israeli military claimed on Tuesday that it had reached the center of three major Hamas strongholds in Gaza: the Jabalia refugee camp in the north; the Shujaiya neighborhood in Gaza City; and the city of Khan Younis, in the south, where troops are currently bursting onto the ground in a new phase of their offensive.

"We are in the heart of Jabalia, in the heart of Shujaiya and now also in the heart of Khan Younis," where troops are fighting "intense battles" in these areas, which he described as "Hamas strongholds," Yaron Finkelman, commander of the army's Southern Command, said in a statement.

According to him, it is "the most intense day" of military action since the start of the ground operation on October 27, either "in terms of terrorists killed, armed clashes and the use of firepower from the ground and air."

According to the Gaza authorities, the Israeli bombardment of Shujaiya yesterday left at least three hundred people dead. In turn, in the last 24 hours, Israeli troops surrounded the Jabalia refugee camp in the north, which they consider "a Hamas stronghold," destroying numerous terrorist infrastructures.

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Lebanese soldier killed by Israeli shelling

A Lebanese soldier was killed and three others wounded on Tuesday in an Israeli bombardment of a military position in southern Lebanon, the Lebanese army said. Since the conflict between the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas and Israel began on 7 October, there has been a common exchange of fire and incidents on the Israeli-Lebanese border between Israeli forces, on the one hand, and Palestinian groups and the Lebanese pro-Iranian Hezbollah movement on the other.

The deceased soldier is the first to be lost by the Lebanese armed forces in this cycle of violence. In a statement, the Lebanese army, deployed along the border area in the south, indicates that one of its military posts in the Aadaisé region "was bombed by the Israeli enemy", and details that this attack "killed one soldier and wounded three others".

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Two pro-Palestinian activists evicted from the rostrum of Congress for their cries against Israel while Albares appeared

Two pro-Palestinian activists, a man and a woman, were evicted from the gallery of the Congress of Deputies on Tuesday for displaying Palestinian flags and shouting against Israel during the appearance of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, José Manuel Albares.

Albares had barely 10 minutes of speaking before the Plenary of Congress in the appearance, at his own request and that of the Popular Party, to give an account of the position of the Government of Spain on the war in Gaza, when he was interrupted by shouts from the guest gallery of the Chamber.

A man and a woman erupted in shouts such as "Long live freedom," "Down with Zionism" and called Israel terrorist while waving Palestinian flags. The minister remained silent and the president of the Congress, Francina Armengol, warned the guests that it was not allowed to launch proclamations or display flags from the rostrum of the Chamber. After almost two tense minutes in which the screams of the two activists could not be heard stopped, the ushers of the Congress managed to reduce the two people, took them out of the hemicycle and Albares continued with his initial intervention before the parliamentary groups.

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Albares says the "innocent victims" of Israel and Palestinians are "equally unbearable"

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, José Manuel Albares, has said that the "innocent victims" caused by the terrorist group Hamas on October 7 and those caused by Israel in the Gaza Strip are "equally unbearable".

"The innocent victims of October 7 and the innocent Palestinian victims are all equally unbearable," said the minister in his opening speech before the plenary session of the Congress of Deputies to address the situation in the Middle East.

Albares stressed that "the more than 1,200 Israeli victims of the terrorist attack are unbearable" as are "the thousands and thousands of Palestinian civilian victims, the displaced Gazans, the large number of homes and essential infrastructure destroyed and damaged".

Thus, the minister stressed that "International Humanitarian Law requires that at all times a distinction be made between terrorist objectives and the civilian population".

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The PSOE believes that Feijóo has been "left alone in the international sphere" in his criticism of the government for Gaza

The spokesman for the PSOE in the Congress of Deputies, Patxi López, said on Tuesday that the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, "has been left alone in the international sphere" for his criticism of the current position of the government regarding the conflict in the Gaza Strip.

López rejected the PP's criticism at a press conference prior to the appearance of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and European Union, José Manuel Albares, in the Congress of Deputies, in which he stressed that Pedro Sánchez's position is in line with "all world leaders".

"Today, all world leaders agree with what the Prime Minister said, that is, in the condemnation of the Hamas terrorist attack and in the recognition that Israel would have for its defense, but also that this right to defense cannot override international law and human rights. Everyone is saying that the solution lies in the recognition of two states. What is the criticism of the People's Party?" he said. In this sense, he asked rhetorically if the criticism of the PP means that "the right of defence has to override human rights"

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Hamas gave tranquilizers to some of the hostages before they were released, according to Israel Health

The Islamist group Hamas gave tranquilizers to some of the hostages before their liberation from the Gaza Strip last week in order to make them appear more relaxed and happy, a representative of Israel's health ministry said on Tuesday.

The complaint was made by Dr. Hagar Mizrahi, head of the ministry's medical division, during a hearing of the Parliament's Health Committee. He said members of the Islamist group administered clonazepam to some hostages before they were handed over to Red Cross representatives who evacuated them from the Gaza Strip.

This drug, he added, would have been administered to them in order to make them appear calm, happy and optimistic during their release, after spending more than a month and a half in captivity. Mizrahi did not say, however, whether the use of tranquilizers had been confirmed by blood tests carried out on the hostages or by testimonies of those released.

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Alemania deposita en Israel la responsabilidad de evitar una catástrofe humanitaria en Gaza

La ministra alemana de Exteriores, Annalena Baerbock, ha reclamado este martes a Israel que asuma su responsabilidad para evitar una catástrofe humanitaria en Gaza por los ataques de represalia de su ejército tras los atentados terroristas del grupo islamista Hamás del pasado 7 de octubre.

"Israel tiene el derecho a la autodefensa, pero también tiene la responsabilidad de evitar una catástrofe humanitaria porque han muerto ya demasiados palestinos", ha dicho Baerbock en Liubliana.

"Como mujer y madre, no puedo imaginar a niños en hospitales medio destruidos y con cuidados incompletos a la espera de una operación sin anestesia", ha indicado, según recoge el portal del diario esloveno Delo. Baerbock ha abogado por trabajar para una solución de dos Estados.

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Israel mata a un palestino y detiene a decenas en la Cisjordania ocupada

Un palestino ha muerto este martes en Cisjordania durante una operación del ejército israelí. Además, varias decenas de personas han sido arrestadas en este territorio ocupado, según informan a la agencia AFP las autoridades palestinas y una ONG.

El ejército israelí ha confirmado 21 detenciones en la ocupada Cisjordania desde el lunes por la noche. En particular, precisa que ha entrado en el campo de refugiados de Yenín con el objetivo de detener al presunto asesino del israelí de 31 años, Meir Tamari, muerto mientras conducía su coche por disparos cerca de Yenín.

Durante otra incursión israelí en el campo de refugiados de Qalandiya (cerca de Jerusalén Este) a primera hora del martes, ha muerto un palestino, identificado por el Ministerio de Salud palestino como Mohammed Youssef Manasra, de 25 años. Un testigo declaró a la AFP que el ejército israelí entró en el campo para detener a su hermano, Abdallah Youssef Manasra. "El ejército voló la puerta de la casa, detrás de la cual estaba Mohammed Manasra, el hermano de Abdallah, matándolo instantáneamente, y Abdallah fue arrestado", ha dicho este testigo. El ejército israelí ha manifestado que había arrestado a "dos personas buscadas" en Qalandiya.

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Putin se reimpulsa en la escena internacional aprovechando la guerra en Gaza

El presidente ruso, Vladimir Putin, visita este miércoles Emiratos Árabes Unidos y Arabia Saudí antes de recibir al presidente iraní en Moscú el jueves, continuando su regreso a la escena internacional a pesar de los intentos occidentales de aislarlo.

Considerado un paria por Occidente y objeto de una orden de detención de la Corte Penal Internacional por la "deportación" de niños ucranianos, Vladimir Putin ha reservado hasta ahora sus poco frecuentes viajes al extranjero para sus aliados más cercanos. Por ejemplo, estuvo ausente de las últimas grandes reuniones internacionales: la cumbre del G20 en India en septiembre y la de los BRICS en Sudáfrica en agosto.

Según el Kremlin, Putin se reunirá con el presidente Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan en Emiratos para discutir las perspectivas de cooperación y la situación en Oriente Medio. En Riad será recibido por el príncipe heredero saudí, Mohammed bin Salman, para hablar sobre comercio, inversiones y política internacional.

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UNICEF critica las órdenes de evacuación israelíes y su "indiferencia hacia los niños de Gaza"

Un portavoz del Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (UNICEF) ha criticado este martes, tras visitar Gaza, las nuevas órdenes de evacuación israelíes que comienzan a afectar también el sur de la franja, así como su "indiferencia ante las mujeres y niños" del territorio palestino.

"He podido ver en hospitales del sur y el norte (de Gaza) que esa indiferencia puede ser letal", ha asegurado el portavoz James Elder en rueda de prensa virtual desde El Cairo para la prensa acreditada ante la ONU en Ginebra. Escéptico ante las órdenes de evacuación israelíes en zonas del centro y el sur de Gaza, ha afirmado que "después de que ayer hubiera unos 200 bombardeos, la única forma de que haya espacios verdaderamente seguros en Gaza es un alto el fuego".

"Sólo un alto el fuego puede salvar a los niños de Gaza", ha insistido el portavoz de UNICEF, quien también ha señalado que aumentar las evacuaciones en la mitad sur de la franja empeorará la situación ya de por sí grave de hacinamiento y falta de higiene en las zonas donde se refugian los desplazados internos.

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La guerra en Gaza deja más de 15.900 palestinos muertos

Más de 15.900 palestinos han muerto en Gaza desde que comenzó la guerra el pasado 7 de octure, según el ministerio de Salud de Palestina, que asegura que entre ellos hay 250 trabajadores sanitarios.

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Amnistía internacional asegura que Israel mató a 43 civiles en Gaza con municiones estadounidenses

Amnistía Internacional (AI) ha denunciado este martes que el Ejército israelí utilizó municiones estadounidenses en al menos dos bombardeos sobre la Franja de Gaza que dejaron un saldo de 43 civiles muertos.

"El ejército israelí utilizó municiones de ataque directo conjunto (JDAM) de fabricación estadounidense en dos ataques aéreos ilegales y mortíferos contra viviendas llenas de civiles en la Franja de Gaza", acusó AI, que publicó hoy una investigación extensiva sobre los bombardeos basada en imágenes satelitales, análisis de fotografías y entrevistas con supervivientes.

"La organización concluyó que estos ataques aéreos fueron ataques directos contra civiles o infraestructuras civiles o ataques indiscriminados, y pide que sean investigados como crímenes de guerra", agregó el organismo en un comunicado.

Los bombardeos en cuestión tuvieron lugar los días 10 y 22 de octubre y se saldaron con la muerte de 24 y 19 personas respectivamente.

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Emir de Catar arremete contra la comunidad internacional y pide investigar "crímenes" Israel

The Emir of Qatar, Tamim bin Hamad al Thani, today harshly criticized the international community for its policy of "double standards" and for "abandoning the children of Palestine", and called for an international investigation into Israel's "brutal crimes" in the Gaza Strip.

Al Thani reiterated, however, before the summit of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) political and economic alliance in Doha, his commitment to continue his country's mediation efforts, "together with its partners", to restore the truce between Israel and the Islamist group Hamas in Gaza.

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Podemos "takes note" with Sumar for not allowing Belarra to intervene in Congress on Gaza

The spokesman for Podemos in Congress, Javier Sánchez Serna, has expressed his discomfort with Sumar and has warned that he "takes note" after the leadership of the parliamentary group has not allowed the former minister of the purple formation Ione Belarra to intervene in the plenary session on Tuesday on Gaza.

In addition, Serna has insisted on his pressures on the PSOE by recalling that in this new stage they will act autonomously and if the socialists "do not want to negotiate with Podemos (the 2024 budget) it will be because they do not need the deputies of Podemos and that they have the numbers on the other hand".

"To vote in favour of the budgets we will have to know them and negotiate them with the PSOE. It is up to the PSOE and Sánchez's government to decide whether or not they need the vote of the deputies of Podemos," he said at a press conference in Congress.

In this conference, the Podemos spokesperson has expressed his "discomfort" with the leadership of the parliamentary group of Sumar, of which the purples are not part, for not having "allowed" Belarra to intervene in the plenary session this Tuesday in Congress, in which the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, appears to report on the situation in Gaza and Israel.

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Israel Attacks Gaza's Second-Largest City in Bloody New Phase of War

Israel intensified its bombardment of Gaza's second-largest city and its environs on Tuesday, as ambulances and private cars rushed the wounded to a hospital in a bloody new phase of the war in the besieged Palestinian enclave.

Under pressure from the United States to avoid more mass deaths, Israel says it is being more precise as it expands its offensive into the southern Gaza Strip after leveling much of the north. Aerial bombardments and ground offensive have driven three-quarters of its 2.3 million people from their homes.

At Khan Younis' Nasser hospital, ambulances took dozens of wounded people overnight. At one point, a car arrived and a man with a child got out, his shirt was bloodied and his hand had been blown off.

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WHO calls for protection of Gaza's health system from further Israeli attacks

The World Health Organization (WHO) is calling on Israel to protect Gaza's health system from further attacks, as there is currently "no safe place" in the Gaza Strip.

The WHO says it is "deeply concerned" about the resumption of bombing and ground operations in Gaza, and reiterates its call on Israel to take all possible measures "to protect civilians and civilian infrastructure, including hospitals, according to the laws of war."

According to the organization, Gaza "cannot afford" to lose another hospital while health needs continue to grow. "As more civilians in southern Gaza are ordered to evacuate immediately and are forced to move, more people are concentrated in smaller areas and in the remaining hospitals in those areas are functioning without sufficient fuel, medicine, food, water or protection of health workers."

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Abascal transfers his support to Netanyahu's government in front of Hamas on a visit to Israel

A Vox delegation led by its president, Santiago Abascal, has visited Israel to learn first-hand about the effects of Hamas' attacks and show its support for Benjamin Netanyahu's government in its fight against terrorism, the party said in a statement.

The group, which also included the MEP and vice-president of the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) Group, Hermann Tertsch, and the director of the Dissent Foundation, Jorge Martín Frías, met with the Israeli Minister for Diaspora Affairs and Combating Anti-Semitism, Amichai Chikli, and with the Minister of Agriculture, member of Israel's War Cabinet and former head of the Shin-Bet, Avi Dichter.

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Heavy fighting between the Israeli army and Hamas in southern Gaza

The Israeli military on Tuesday intensified its operations against fighters from the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas in southern Gaza, where witnesses told AFP of heavy fighting, raising fears of an "even more hellish scenario" for civilians, according to the UN.

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Israel deepens its offensive in Gaza, prepares to break into the south by ground

The Israeli army continues its intense offensive in the Gaza Strip on Monday, strengthening its ground troops in the face of an imminent incursion into the south of the Palestinian enclave, where it carries out heavy bombardments despite hundreds of thousands of civilians taking refuge there from the fighting and destruction in the north. Israel Defense Forces ground troops continue to operate in the Gaza Strip, while the air force struck approximately 200 Hamas terror targets," an army spokesman said.

More than 15,520 people have been killed and 41,316 wounded in the enclave, 70 percent of them children and women, since the war began on October 7 following a Hamas attack that left some 1,200 dead and 240 people kidnapped in Israeli villages near the Strip.

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  • War in Israel
  • Israel
  • Gaza Strip
  • Palestine
  • Hamas
  • Benjamin Netanyahu