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Aesthetic scholar: U.S.-China exchanges and mutual trust should be increased to jointly explore the correct way for major countries to get along丨worldview

12/5/2023, 8:06:52 AM

Highlights: Aesthetic scholar: U.S.-China exchanges and mutual trust should be increased to jointly explore the correct way for major countries to get along. Recently, Chinese President Xi Jinping held a meeting with US President Joe Biden at Philori Manor in San Francisco, USA. The trend of Sino-US relations has aroused great concern from foreign people. The United States and China should strengthen trade consultations, dispel misunderstandings, build a vibrant bilateral relationship, and unlock the potential for more cooperation, David Blair said., December 12 (Chen Caixia) Recently, Chinese President Xi Jinping held a meeting with US President Joe Biden at Philori Manor in San Francisco, USA. The trend of Sino-US relations has aroused great concern from foreign people. David Blair, deputy director of the Center for Globalization (CCG) and former director of the Department of Economics at the Eisenhower School of the National Defense University, said in an exclusive interview with Chinanews that the restoration of military ties between the United States and China and the establishment of mutual trust are of great significance to regional peace and development. The United States and China should strengthen trade consultations, dispel misunderstandings, build a vibrant bilateral relationship, and unlock the potential for more cooperation.

The United States and China have restored military-to-military ties

It will bring practical value to the development of bilateral relations

During the four-hour meeting, the Chinese and US heads of state had in-depth communication on strategic, overall and directional issues related to bilateral relations, as well as issues related to world peace and development. "As the world's two largest economies, any time is a good time for the two heads of state to meet," Blair said. It is the responsibility of the two sides to maintain communication and cooperation in international affairs and avoid conflicts. ”

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the China-US summit has achieved results in many aspects, and more than 20 consensuses have been reached in the fields of politics, diplomacy, people-to-people exchanges, global governance, and military security.

On November 11, local time, journalists from various countries worked at the International Media Center for the 12 APEC Conference in San Francisco, California, USA. The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting recently opened, and the media center is also open to journalists covering the conference. Photo by China News Service reporter Liu Guanguan

In the areas of military security and law enforcement, China and the United States have resumed dialogue and expanded cooperation and exchanges in many fields. Blair pointed out that in the past few months, the United States and China have had a number of high-level interactions, and it is of great significance to restart dialogue. "The United States and China have taken a series of steps to promote the restoration of military-to-military ties, build mutual trust and consultation, and develop an early warning mechanism to prevent misfire, which is critical to the future peace and development of the world."

Blair further pointed out that refraining from provocative actions is the first step in good cooperation between the United States and China, and there will be many potential possibilities for cooperation between the two sides in the future. The implementation of arms control measures by the two sides and the further establishment of mutual trust in the proper handling of "maritime issues" will bring practical value to the development of bilateral relations. "If something happens, the U.S. and China can communicate with each other about what happened to avoid conflict. We don't want any miscalculations to happen. The focus of the U.S.-China relationship is to avoid unnecessarily damaging consequences of this mistrust. He said.

From economics and trade to humanities

The United States and China need to increase exchanges and mutual trust

During the "manor meeting," the Chinese and US heads of state also reached a consensus on strengthening dialogue and cooperation in the fields of people-to-people, economy and trade. In the future, the two sides will introduce more measures to facilitate people-to-people exchanges and promote people-to-people exchanges, so as to help the people of the two countries move more, come and go more.

In the interview, Blair noted that after the meeting between the heads of state of the United States and China, "there may be an increase in trade between the two sides." The United States should stop chattering about a "rules-based" system and strive to consult with each other to build a dynamic bilateral relationship. He also hopes that the world can break protectionism, and China, Russia, India, Africa and other countries can have chip manufacturing supply chains to promote healthy competition in business and technology. "I had the privilege of attending the 6th China International Import Expo, which was attended by a lot of American companies," Blair said. Commerce and trade will help enhance the peaceful development of U.S.-China relations and promote friendly exchanges between the two peoples. ”

Data map: China-US flag. Image source: Visual China

Recently, the resumption of flights between China and the United States has been accelerating, and personnel exchanges and communication have become more frequent and closer. Blair said, "I hope that the United States and China will strengthen people-to-people exchanges in the future." The American people need to learn more about the real life of the Chinese people, eliminate misunderstandings, and increase mutual trust. ”

Blair also mentioned a young Chinese girl in the interview, noting that she shows a number of Chinese towns and local life on social media. "It's really interesting," he said. Most Americans love to see life stories like this. I believe that both the United States and China should be more open and establish communication channels, which will be a big step forward in promoting the healthy development of bilateral relations in the future. (ENDS)