Teller Report

Winter weather in Germany: German Weather Service warns of danger of black ice

12/4/2023, 1:06:05 PM

Highlights: Winter weather in Germany: German Weather Service warns of danger of black ice. It can get slippery on the roads in Germany in the evening: there is a risk of blackice. And in some regions it could snow again. The weather will probably become milder in many places in the coming days. But this does not mean the all-clear for the roads. Especially in the western mountains and the further east you go, there is an increased risk of. black ice, said meteorologist Marco Manitta.

It can get slippery on the roads in Germany in the evening: there is a risk of black ice. And in some regions it could snow again.

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Gritter in operation in the south-east of Munich

Photo: IMAGO / Wolfgang Maria Weber

The weather will probably become milder in many places in the coming days - but this does not mean the all-clear for the roads. Especially in the western mountains and the further east you go, there is an increased risk of black ice, said meteorologist Marco Manitta from the German Weather Service (DWD). From Monday evening to Tuesday morning, the regions between the Main and the Danube are particularly at risk. And: "It cannot be ruled out that the black ice situation will also turn out to be storm-like in isolated cases." Only along the Rhine and in the far west did the temperatures stay above zero degrees during the night. In the south-east of Bavaria, severe frost could occur again.

On Tuesday, it is expected to remain cloudy in many places and precipitation is expected to fall repeatedly, especially in the west and northwest as well as in the southeast of the country. There can be frequent snow in the north and northeast. For the higher eastern highlands and the southeast in general, the experts warn of freezing rain. In the west and southwest, temperatures are expected to reach milder 4 to 9 degrees, otherwise 1 to 4 degrees. In the northeast and southeast, it is expected to remain mostly frosty with temperatures between minus 2 and 0 degrees. In addition, there will be a light to moderate wind, in the north from the east, otherwise from the south.

Frost, snow, squalls

On Wednesday, according to the forecast, the sky will be overcast with intermittent precipitation, which will fall as snow in the mountains. The sun is most likely to appear north of the Ore Mountains and directly on the Alps. Highs are expected to be 3 to 6 degrees in the west and southwest and around 0 degrees in the northeast. For the higher mountains, the meteorologists are announcing light frost.

On Thursday, some snow or sleet is expected to fall locally at first. In the course of the day, there could be some clearing of clouds. The maximum values are expected to be between 0 and 6 degrees. In many places, a light to moderate wind will blow from the southeast. On exposed Alpine peaks, the DWD expects squalls from the southwest.
