Teller Report

The Romanovs' Childhood, the History of Europe and the Updated Banksy: Winter's Main Exhibitions in Moscow

12/4/2023, 2:05:09 PM

Highlights: The Romanovs' Childhood, the History of Europe and the Updated Banksy: Winter's Main Exhibitions in Moscow. This winter in Moscow, you can visit three new exhibitions at the Tretyakov Gallery. You can learn about the process of upbringing in the Romanov imperial family at the exposition in the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve. The State Historical Museum will present an exposition dedicated to the signs of the Zodiac. Read more about these and other events of the coming winter in the RT article.. "For three seas. The Wanderings of Afanasy Nikitin"

This winter in Moscow, you can visit three new exhibitions at the Tretyakov Gallery: "Alexander Ivanov is a master of drawing. Sketches and sketches for the painting "The Appearance of Christ to the People", "Heroes and Contemporaries of the Silver Age" and "Viktor Kazarin. Structures of Restlessness". You can learn about the process of upbringing in the Romanov imperial family at the exposition in the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve, Kolomenskoye is waiting for guests at the New Year's Eve exhibition "Waiting for a Miracle", and the State Historical Museum will present an exposition dedicated to the signs of the Zodiac. Read more about these and other events of the coming winter in the RT article.

"For three seas. The Wanderings of Afanasy Nikitin"

The State Museum of Oriental Art (main building on Nikitsky Boulevard), December 7, 2023 — February 11, 2024

The exhibition is timed to coincide with the 555th anniversary of the beginning of the travels of the famous Russian traveler, merchant Afanasy Nikitin and is a museum reading of his travel notes "A Journey Beyond the Three Seas".

Guests of the exposition will see about 100 items related to the most significant places visited by the traveler and events that happened to him. Among the exhibits are Iranian, Indian and Russian miniatures and manuscripts of the 1958th-<>th centuries, household items of different peoples, archaeological finds and much more. In addition, the Soviet-Indian film "Going Beyond the Three Seas" of <> will be shown.

Thanks to the exhibition, viewers will learn a lot about the customs, religion and culture of the countries visited by the merchant.

"Visitors will be able to find out what the great Russian traveler saw and felt, how he was imbued with a culture that was alien to him, how he conveyed vivid images to the reader and ultimately made them a part of the Russian soul," the curator of the exhibition, Ilya Zaitsev, is quoted as saying on the official website of the Museum of Oriental Art.

  • Miniature "Fight of Elephants". India, XIX century
  • © State Museum of Oriental Art

"To become a Romanov. Upbringing and Education in the Imperial Family"

Grand Palace of the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve, December 9, 2023 — April 7, 2024

The new exhibition in Tsaritsyno is a detailed story about how the future emperors, as well as their brothers and sisters, were brought up and educated. Members of the Romanov family began to receive education from early childhood, and finished absorbing knowledge by the age of 20.

The exhibition is divided into three main halls: "Childhood", "Education" and "Oath". In the "Childhood" section, there is also a book by the stolnik Grigory Sobakin with a record of the birth of Peter the Great, who later established the rule of issuing manifestos and decrees on the birth of imperial children. In addition, visitors will see a letter from Catherine II, in which she informed King Gustav III of Sweden about the birth of her grandson (the future Emperor Alexander I) and asked for recommendations on caring for the baby, as well as children's antique toys, playing cards, board games and much more.

The "Education" space is dedicated to the methods adopted in the family of Russian emperors at different times, and the "Oath" hall presents exhibits related to the educational journeys of the heirs to the throne.

  • Vintage Rattle
  • © Tsaritsyno State Historical, Architectural, Art and Landscape Museum-Reserve

Victor Kazarin. Structures of Restlessness"

The State Tretyakov Gallery, New Tretyakov Gallery, 28 November 2023 – 8 January 2024

The exhibition is dedicated to the work of the famous artist Viktor Kazarin, who in the 1990s began to be called the "father of Russian neo-expressionism". Kazarin had his own author's style in painting, which is why his works are recognizable and unique. In order to achieve the necessary state of consciousness to work on paintings, Kazarin worked in the studio for 12-14 hours, thereby bringing himself to extreme inflated and lack of rationality. The artist transferred all the chaos that was going on inside to the canvas.

The exhibition includes works of art created by Kazarin in the 1980s and 1990s. In total, 85 works of the artist can be seen at the exhibition. Among the canvases on display is, for example, the painting "Crow Not a Raven".

"It's painted with a gigantic, almost paint brush. Let's remember that he worked on the floor. He laid out large canvases on the floor and simply, like Jackson Pollock, carried out some kind of shamanic action," said the curator of the exhibition, Irina Gorlova, on the air of the channel "Russia. Culture".

  • © The State Tretyakov Gallery

"Waiting for a Miracle"

Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve, Palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, November 30, 2023 – January 31, 2024

"Waiting for a Miracle" is a New Year's Eve exhibition created in cooperation with the ROSIZO State Museum and Exhibition Center.

Visitors to the exhibition will see more than 100 different works - paintings, lace, graphics, lacquer miniatures and much more. All works of art are dedicated to the theme of winter, so guests of the event will immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the holiday and enjoy the beauty of frosty landscapes.

For example, you can see huge lace snowflakes woven by Vologda craftsmen, boxes with plots of winter fairy tales, as well as figurines carved from bone.

  • © Kolomenskoye – Izmailovo Moscow State Oil Reserve

"Alexander Ivanov is a master of drawing. Sketches and Studies for the Painting "The Appearance of Christ to the People"

The State Tretyakov Gallery, 1 December 2023 — 19 May 2024

The Tretyakov Gallery exclusively owns the graphic works of Alexander Ivanov. The collection includes about 40 albums and about 700 individual sheets.

A significant place in the collection of the artist's works is occupied by drawings for the painting "The Appearance of Christ to the People" - visitors to the exposition will see the best works (compositional pencil and watercolor sketches, drawings from antiques, natural studies).

Among them will be, among other things, the first sketch of the work, drawn with a pencil on brown paper. It depicts John the Baptist and Jesus Christ surrounded by people.

  • © The State Tretyakov Gallery

"We will show a new way to the earth..."

State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia, December 1, 2023 — January 31, 2024

The exhibition is dedicated to the 160th anniversary of the birth of the artist Nikolai Verkhoturov, a student of Ilya Repin.

Most of the composition is occupied by a series of portrait paintings. The canvases most often depict revolutionaries: members of the People's Will, anarchists, Socialist-Revolutionaries, Social Democrats. Verkhoturov was fond of the theme of the revolution and even participated in the revolutionary events of 1905, for which he was later imprisoned in St. Petersburg.

Nikolai Verkhoturov graduated from the Nerchinsk Theological School, and then from the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. In 1901, he began his studies in the studio of Ilya Repin at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts.

  • Portrait of Maria Shkolnik
  • © SCMSIR

"Find Banksy"

Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy (VDNH), Pavilion No. 22, from 14 December 2023

VDNH will present an updated exhibition of street art "Find Banksy".

In addition to previously shown works, in particular reproduced graffiti walls, sculptures, paintings and large-scale installations, fans of the work of one of the most mysterious street artists in the world will see his new works, including animatronic robots.

In addition, visitors will be able to try themselves as a graffiti artist and leave an inscription or a small drawing on the wall right on the territory of the exhibition.

"Heroes and Contemporaries of the Silver Age"

The State Tretyakov Gallery, November 24, 2023 — May 19, 2024

The exhibition "Heroes and Contemporaries of the Silver Age" is dedicated to the beginning of the 20th century, one of the most controversial periods of Russian art. The organizers of the exposition decided to demonstrate to the public the originality of the style of that time, which arose due to the emergence of many artistic trends.

The heroes of the exhibition are not only famous creators of that era, but also forgotten artists-fellow travelers, whose works are no less important for the study of history.

Visitors will see the works of Kazimir Malevich, Alexandre Benois, Marc Chagall, Valentin Serov, Wassily Kandinsky, Mikhail Vrubel, Boris Kustodiev, Mikhail Larionov, Léon Bakst and others.

  • Boris Kustodiev, "Japanese Doll"
  • © The State Tretyakov Gallery

"The Liberation of Europe..."

State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia, December 28, 2023 — March 3, 2024

The large-scale exhibition includes more than 400 exhibits dedicated to the 210th anniversary of the Battle of Leipzig. Visitors will see works of battle and portrait painting, memorial items of Emperor Alexander I, various graphic works. In addition, rare samples of Russian and European army uniforms and weapons, archival documents, orders, medals, various printed publications of past years and much more will be presented.

Thanks to the abundance of exhibits, guests will be able to immerse themselves in history and learn many details about those times. Some items will be on display for the first time, making the event unique.

  • © SCMSIR

"Under the sign of the Zodiac. Cultural Monuments from Ancient Times to the Present Day from the Collection of the Historical Museum"

The State Historical Museum of Moscow, December 13, 2023 — March 11, 2024

The exposition includes more than 150 unique items related to the signs of the Zodiac. Visitors who are fond of astrology will be able to get interesting information for themselves, as well as learn how the meanings of ancient signs have changed.

"The new exhibition project of the Historical Museum aims not only to demonstrate the diversity and richness of the museum's collection, but also to trace how the interpretation of ancient symbolic images, signs of the Zodiac, in culture has been transformed and improved. These astral symbols have not lost their relevance in the modern world, to this day arousing keen interest and being a source of creative inspiration for modern masters," the general director of the museum, Alexei Levykin, is quoted as saying on the official website of the State Historical Museum.

Among the exhibits will be medallions "Signs of the Zodiac", created specifically for the exhibition by the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Oleg Zakomorny, a Chinese staff with a runic calendar, a French Clock Book of the 1470s and much more. Some items will be presented for the first time, in particular, a chest with boards for board games.

The exhibition is divided into several sections, each of which is dedicated to a specific time period.

  • © Historical Museum

"Treasures. The Hidden History"

The State Historical Museum of Moscow, December 22, 2023 — July 29, 2024

The Moscow Kremlin Museums took part in the exhibition project "Treasures. The Hidden History", organized by the State Historical Museum. The event is dedicated to the study of the ancient tradition of hiding valuables from prying eyes in the ground.

Guests of the exposition will see unusual treasures from different times - from the Neolithic to the 20th century. They stored valuable objects and jewelry, in particular silver antique dishes, jewelry and coins.

The collection of the Moscow Kremlin Museums includes several dozen treasures that were once excavated in the center of the capital. Among them are two unique exhibits: a hoard of 32 bronze and copper ancient Roman coins of the 552st-1994rd centuries, found in the early <>th century during repairs on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin, as well as a hoard of <> Russian gold coins of the mid-<>th and early <>th centuries, discovered in <>. This is the only discovered treasure from the Great Patriotic War.