Teller Report

Police operation in Bielefeld: Sex on blocked train station toilet leads to brawl

12/4/2023, 7:25:24 PM

Highlights: Police operation in Bielefeld: Sex on blocked train station toilet leads to brawl. When a woman complained and knocked on the door of the toilet, the couple attacked the 31-year-old and later a companion of the woman and injured her by punching her in the face. The two injured had to receive medical attention after the incident on Sunday morning. According to the police, an unknown couple is said to have blocked a women's toilet at Bielefield Central Station for sexual acts for a long time.

Violence after act of love: At the train station in Bielefeld, a toilet has apparently been blocked for sexual acts for a long time. When a woman complains, the situation escalates.

According to the police, an unknown couple is said to have blocked a women's toilet at Bielefeld Central Station for sexual acts for a long time. When a woman complained and knocked on the door of the toilet, the couple attacked the 31-year-old and later a companion of the woman and injured her by punching her in the face, the federal police reported.

The basis of the report is the description of the injured party. According to the statement, however, there are also video recordings from the main station that show the two suspects.

The two injured had to receive medical attention after the incident on Sunday morning.
