Teller Report

Johnny's Problem: BPO President's Opinion "Recognition of Mission through Scrutiny and Reflection"

12/4/2023, 6:56:00 AM

Highlights: Johnny's Problem: BPO President's Opinion "Recognition of Mission through Scrutiny and Reflection". In response to the sexual assault problem of Mr. Johnny Kitagawa, BPO = "Broadcasting Ethics and Program Improvement Organization" President Masami Ohinata, announced his opinion and sufficiently addressed this issue. In this report, he said, "Although there is still no clear path to a solution, it can be said that it has just begun, but there is a great deal of public interest in it"

In response to the sexual assault problem of Mr. Johnny Kitagawa, BPO = "Broadcasting Ethics and Program Improvement Organization" President Masami Ohinata, announced his opinion and sufficiently addressed this issue ...

In response to the sexual assault issue of Mr. Johnny Kitagawa, Masami Ohinata, president of BPO = "Broadcasting Ethics and Program Improvement Organization", announced his views, referring to the actions of each broadcaster to verify that this issue has not been sufficiently reported, and said, "It is necessary to further recognize the mission that we fulfill through scrutiny and reflection on the problem."

Regarding the sexual assault of Mr. Johnny Kitagawa, a special team of external experts said in the investigation report that even the results of the lawsuit were not reported properly, even though the fact of sexual assault was recognized by the trial, and that one of the reasons for the problem was "media silence" as an extremely unnatural response for the media.

In response to this sexual assault problem, Masami Ohinata, president of BPO = "Broadcasting Ethics and Program Improvement Organization", announced his opinion on the 4th.

In this report, he said, "Although there is still no clear path to a solution, it can be said that it has just begun, but there is a great deal of public interest in it, and BPO has received many opinions from viewers. Furthermore, over time, the situation is changing to question the nature of companies and society as a whole."

Referring to the fact that broadcasters have not sufficiently reported on this issue, he said, "Broadcasters are required to further recognize their mission through scrutiny and reflection on this issue, and to seriously examine and improve various problems that may arise in the future. The BPO will continue to monitor the future efforts of each broadcaster."