Teller Report

Green Vault: The Deal After the Coupe of the Century

12/4/2023, 6:45:12 PM

Highlights: The Free State of Saxony is doing business with the extended Remmo family. The stolen loot from the Green Vault is to be returned. In the fourth and final episode, "In Interrogation: The Coupe of the Century," the two SPIEGEL TV reporters discuss the sense and nonsense of this business. Is the German state allowed to enter into such a deal with an extended family? Thomas Heise and Claas Meyer-Heuer closely followed why the deal came about anyway in court.

The Free State of Saxony is doing business with the extended Remmo family. The stolen loot from the Green Vault is to be returned. Immediately after the verdict was announced, three of the perpetrators were released.

In court, almost all of the defendants have confessed to having been present at the burglary of the Green Vault. The perpetrators not only robbed Saxony's most important treasure, they also endangered human lives and were armed. In addition, two of them fled when the police actually wanted to arrest them. But all this is no longer put on the scales of Justitia. The trial will take place in a juvenile court, but due to the security situation, the trial will be moved to a high-security wing. Helicopters are circling over the building, and another escape is to be thwarted at all costs.

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The defendants admit little in court. The principle: salami tactics. At some point, her lawyers propose a deal because of the burden of proof on the prosecution. The Remmos return what is left of the loot and make confessions. In return, the authority offers minimal penalties in return. A good deal? Because not even the Soko »Epaulette« finds out about it. Only when the loot is about to be handed over does the public prosecutor's office call in the police. It quickly turns out that the valuable treasure is badly damaged and more than half of it is missing.

Thomas Heise and Claas Meyer-Heuer closely followed why the deal came about anyway in court. Her contacts with the police report that some investigators were about it. Others rejoiced at the return of the jewels. In the fourth and final episode, "In Interrogation: The Coupe of the Century," the two SPIEGEL TV reporters discuss the sense and nonsense of this business. Is the German state allowed to enter into such a deal with an extended family?