Teller Report

Bunbury: "The time has come to start a new chapter"

12/4/2023, 12:35:54 PM

Highlights: Bunbury: "The time has come to start a new chapter". Enrique Bunbury, former leader and singer of the Zaragoza group Héroes del Silencio, returns to the stage, after a year and a half retired due to throat problems. Bunbury reveals that glycol forced him to retire from the stage. The singer has shared the wait with his followers through 40 weekly letters for nine months, which, according to the last one, he is going to stop writing while announcing a new stage.

Enrique Bunbury, former leader and singer of the Zaragoza group Héroes del Silencio, returns to the stage, after a year and a half retired due to throat problems, with...

  • Music Bunbury reveals that glycol forced him to retire from the stage
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Enrique Bunbury, former leader and singer of the Zaragoza group Héroes del Silencio, returns to the stage, after a year and a half retired due to throat problems, with a concert this Tuesday in Buenos Aires. It will be followed by another four this December in Chile, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia.

Likewise, in 2024 he will perform in Mexico, the United States and Spain, on June 29 at the Wizink Center in Madrid and on July 6 in Zaragoza, at the La Romareda football field.

The singer has shared the wait with his followers through 40 weekly letters for nine months, which, according to the last one, he is going to stop writing while announcing a new stage in his career.

"I sincerely believe that the time has come to start a new stage. First with the shows, but also a creative course in which I will need my five senses, to write, compose and whatever life throws at me."

Bunbury explains that "there is a great desire to meet again with the stage and with all of you. A year and a half ago, everything seemed to be falling apart."

He adds that "the communion and exchange that the tours gave us, found a crack through which the light filtered through this weekly meeting, bringing us even closer, if possible. Maybe in a different way than the songs, the volume and the ceremony of live music allowed us to do."

"Silence is necessary"

In early 2022, in the middle of a 35th anniversary tour in music, Bunbury began having throat problems, with a cough that prevented him from sleeping. It was later confirmed that he is allergic to a chemical element, glycol, present in smoke or artificial fog used on stage.

In May of that year he was forced to suspend his planned performances in the United States and left the stage to focus on literature and recording.

In the letter to his followers, he assures that he has learned "a lot in all this time from you and from myself. This correspondence has helped me, I think, to communicate better. Trying to explain some thorny issues has not been easy, and I am sure that I could still qualify and clarify points, as well as find more appropriate and precise words."

He announces that he does not rule out "re-establishing this same communication or finding something similar and interesting at another time, later, whether in months or years."

He indicates that "silence is necessary for creation. I can't be listening to the voices of those who want one thing and those who want another. Those who would have preferred a certain moment to happen in such a way." He adds that "I need to listen to myself and follow the signs and intuitions that mark and guide the steps, pointing the way."

Bunbuy ends the letter by stating that he is "very grateful for all that you have taught me and I will treasure this correspondence as a treasure of a vital moment that took me from the impossible to an infinite horizon."

  • music