Teller Report

Adoption of IT in Criminal Procedures: Legislative Advisory Committee Drafts "Digitization of Arrest Warrants, etc."

12/4/2023, 3:55:01 AM

Highlights: A subcommittee of the National Legislative Council presented a draft for the introduction of IT in criminal procedures. The company plans to digitize the preparation and management of arrest warrants, etc., and to make it possible to carry out procedures such as billing and issuance online. The Ministry of Justice will continue to consider the possibility of submitting the necessary bills to the Diet by March next year, based on the discussions of the Legislative Council. It was decided not to include interviews with lawyers and observing trials online in this draft because it would be difficult to set up facilities.

【NHK】A subcommittee of the Legislative Council of Japan presented a draft for the use of IT in criminal procedures such as investigations and trials. Digitize the preparation and management of arrest warrants, etc., and make claims and ...

A subcommittee of the National Legislative Council presented a draft for the introduction of IT in criminal procedures such as investigations and trials. The company plans to digitize the preparation and management of arrest warrants, etc., and to make it possible to carry out procedures such as billing and issuance online.

In criminal proceedings such as investigations and trials, in addition to signing and stamping documents, many of them need to be handed over face-to-face, so reducing the burden on those involved and speeding up and streamlining procedures are issues.

For this reason, a subcommittee of the Legislative Council of the country presented a draft proposal for the use of information and communication technology in criminal proceedings at a meeting on the 4th.

According to the agreement, arrest warrants and records will be created and managed as electronic data, and procedures such as billing and issuance will be carried out online.

In addition, some trials that gather prosecutors, lawyers, and defendants in court can be held online only if it is unavoidable, such as when the defendant is unable to appear due to illness or disability.

On the other hand, there has been discussion about whether it is possible to hold interviews with lawyers and observe trials online, but it was decided not to include them in this draft because it would be difficult to set up facilities and systems.

The Ministry of Justice will continue to consider the possibility of submitting the necessary bills to the Diet by March next year, based on the discussions of the Legislative Council.