Teller Report

The State Duma proposed to recognize the banner of the Savior Not-Made-by-Hands as the banner of the Russian Armed Forces

12/3/2023, 9:05:10 PM

Highlights: The State Duma is considering the possibility of making the banner of the Russian Armed Forces an official symbol. The banner has been used by the Russian military since the early 1900s. The Russian army has been using the banner as a flag since the mid-19th century. It is hoped that the banner will be used as a symbol of national pride and pride in the Russian people, as well as as a source of inspiration for future generations of Russian soldiers. For more information, go to: the year/2013/09/05/the-savior-of the-russian-army-says-it's-time-to-make-a-new-signal.

State Duma deputy Vitaly Milonov proposed to consider the possibility of securing the official status of the Savior Not-Made-by-Hands for the banner as one of the banners of the Russian Armed Forces. A copy of the appeal addressed to Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu is at the disposal of RT.

As the deputy explained, at present, in the ranks of the Russian Armed Forces, the banner of the Savior Not-Made-by-Hands still enjoys love and reverence.

"Soldiers and commanders of our army individually use the image of the Savior as chevrons, banners, pennants. On the front line, you can easily find various flags with this ancient and sacred image," the RT interlocutor stressed.

In his opinion, taking into account the respect, popularity and love of Russian servicemen for the image of the Savior Not-Made-by-Hands, it is necessary to consider the possibility of securing an official status for this banner.

"For example, the banner of the Saviour Not-Made-by-Hands could become the battle flag of the army, as well as schematically applied to our military equipment as an identification sign," the text of the appeal emphasizes.

Earlier, Milonov proposed to consider the possibility of establishing, together with official financial organizations, a hotline for citizens (especially retirement and seniors) on issues related to telephone fraud.