Teller Report

The resistance destroys the mechanisms of the occupation and Israel begins a ground operation north of Khan Yunis

12/3/2023, 4:25:05 PM

Highlights: Palestinian resistance factions clashed in several axes in the Gaza Strip with the occupation forces, and shelled the settlements surrounding Gaza. The resistance factions reported that they killed a number of Israeli soldiers during clashes and targeting. The Israeli army has not released its total dead since the start of ground operations in Gaza on October 27, but said the number of injured in Gaza reached about a thousand. Israeli government announced that the army began a ground operation north of Khan Yunis, south of the Strip, while the fighting will currently be concentrated in Khan Younis.

On Sunday, Palestinian resistance factions clashed in several axes in the Gaza Strip with the occupation forces, and shelled the settlements surrounding Gaza, while the Israeli government announced that the fighting will currently be concentrated in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip.

The Palestinian resistance clashes with the occupation forces in several axes in the Gaza Strip (Anatolia)

On Sunday, the Palestinian resistance factions clashed in several axes in the Gaza Strip with the occupation forces and ambushed about 60 Israeli soldiers and destroyed 3 vehicles, and bombed the settlements surrounding Gaza in response to the massacres against civilians, while the Israeli government announced that the army began a ground operation north of Khan Yunis, south of the Strip.

The resistance factions reported that they killed a number of Israeli soldiers during clashes and targeting, while the Israeli army has not released its total dead since the start of ground operations in Gaza on October 27, but said the number of injured in Gaza reached about a thousand.

North of the Strip

The al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), announced that it targeted 4 tanks of the occupation army in Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip with a "Al-Yassin 105" shell, and destroyed 3 of them, in addition to blowing up the opening of a tunnel with a group of Israeli soldiers east of Beit Lahia after booby-trapping them with IEDs.

The brigades reported targeting an Israeli special force inside a building in Beit Hanoun with a TPG shell and that it had killed a number of its soldiers.

It said that it blew up a booby-trapped tunnel of the occupation in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood, and then targeted the Israeli rescue forces with mortar shells.

The Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of Islamic Jihad, reported that it had engaged in fierce clashes with Israeli soldiers in the Sheikh Radwan axis.

For his part, Al Jazeera correspondent reported the downing of an Israeli march in the northern Gaza Strip, without any resistance faction so far claiming to have shot it down.

Southern Sector

Al-Qassam Brigades said that it targeted an Israeli tank and personnel carrier with "Al-Yassin 105" shells, and targeted an Israeli "D9" bulldozer with a Tandom shell north of the city of Khan Yunis, and blew up a minefield with an Israeli force of 8 soldiers, and devices on those who remained alive from the zero point northeast of Khan Yunis.

Earlier on Sunday, the al-Qassam Brigades reported that they shelled a gathering of Israeli soldiers east of Khan Yunis with mortar shells, and destroyed 3 Israeli vehicles in the central Gaza Strip.

For its part, the Al-Quds Brigades said that it clashed with an Israeli force on foot in the Abu Haddaf area, northeast of Khan Yunis, and shelled it with mortar and RPG shells.

Central Sector

In the central Gaza Strip, the al-Qassam Brigades said it killed a large number of Israeli soldiers after detonating IEDs at a 60-soldier base east of Juhr al-Dik.

It added that it shelled a gathering of Israeli soldiers with high-caliber mortar shells, and targeted five occupation vehicles east of Deir al-Balah with 5 Yassin shells, and announced the destruction of 105 of them.

The Al-Quds Brigades said that its members detonated a device with an Israeli tank penetrating near the Hajjaj mosque in the Al-Mughraqa area, and engaged in fierce clashes with Israeli soldiers in the Al-Nasr neighborhood of Gaza City.

Shelling of settlements

The Qassam Brigades also announced that it had shelled the settlement of Avishalom with a rocket barrage, and that it had shelled Ashkelon with a rocket barrage in response to Israeli massacres of civilians.

It added that it bombarded the settlement of Amitai with the 114mm short-range "Rajum" rocket system, and targeted the Ra'im military base with a rocket barrage, in addition to Sderot and Israeli crowds east of the settlement of Majin.

The Al-Quds Brigades reported that it bombarded Beersheba, Sufa, Holit and Sderot, and the settlements of Sufa, Nir Yishak, Kfar Saad and Kfar Azza with concentrated rocket barrages, in addition to shelling the occupation bases in Ra'im and Miftahim.

It also said it shelled the industrial zone in Ashkelon with a concentrated rocket barrage.

An Al Jazeera correspondent confirmed sirens in Ashkelon and Gaza's northern periphery.

"Goals" of occupation

For its part, the Israeli army spokesman said that the air force continues to launch raids in Gaza, targeting tunnel openings, command headquarters and weapons depots, while the occupation aircraft bombed inhabited homes throughout the Strip, killing and wounding dozens.

The Israeli government spokesman said their military operation was now focused on Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, while Army Radio said the army had begun a ground operation north of Khan Yunis.

This comes after the occupation declared the south a "safe zone" and asked the residents of the north to flee to it before declaring a temporary humanitarian truce that lasted 7 days, which ended last Friday.

The Israeli government claims that the Hamas leadership is located in Khan Yunis, after claiming that the movement's leadership is concentrated in Al-Shifa Hospital in the northern Gaza Strip, where it raided and arrested a number of people.

Source : Al Jazeera