Teller Report

Paris stabbing attack: Terrorist tasered, not so common method

12/3/2023, 5:55:29 PM

Highlights: Paris stabbing attack: Terrorist tasered, not so common method. On Saturday night, a terrorist killed a German tourist after attacking him with a knife and wounded two others with a hammer. Police officers who were able to subdue the individual with a taser. A rare use of this weapon in these circumstances, according to the spokesman for the SGP Police Île-de-France Unit. "I don't think I've ever seen a time when we had time to use the taser," said Reda Belhaj.

On Saturday night, a terrorist killed a German tourist after attacking him with a knife and wounded two others with a hammer. He was quickly arrested by the police and tasered off. " A rare use of this weapon in these circumstances, according to the spokesperson Unité SGP Police Île-de-France.

Europe 1 / Photo credit: DIMITAR DILKOFF / AFP 18:44 p.m., December 03, 2023

On Saturday night, a terrorist killed a German tourist after attacking him with a knife and wounded two others with a hammer. He was quickly arrested by the police and tasered off. "A rare use of this weapon in these circumstances," according to the spokesman Unité SGP Police Île-de-France.

A method not so frequent. On Saturday night, after killing one person with a knife and wounding two others with a hammer, the terrorist was arrested fairly quickly by law enforcement. Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin praised their courage on the social network X (formerly Twitter). Police officers who were able to subdue the individual with a taser. A rare use of this weapon in these circumstances, according to Reda Belhaj, spokesman for the SGP Police Île-de-France Unit.

"It's almost extraordinary"

"In the context of a terrorist act, you have very little time to assess the situation. Faced with the murderous madness of this kind of individual, you think only to neutralize it with your service weapon. I don't think I've ever seen a time when we had time to use the taser. It's almost extraordinary," he told Europe 1 radio. According to him, the police officers present at the scene could have fired, but they showed composure. They managed to dissuade him from charging at it.

>> ALSO READ – Paris stabbing: a complex equation between 'ideology' and 'psychiatry'

"You know, when you're dealing with an individual like that, he usually doesn't want to be challenged. He wants to die a martyr's death. My colleagues in the 15th arrondissement managed to neutralize him. This allows the victims' relatives to have an investigation, to know the profile and to know why he did this," said Reda Belhaj. According to him, this allows families to have answers and grieve.