Teller Report

Palestinian body: Israel has turned its prisons into "living cemeteries" since October 7

12/3/2023, 8:45:31 PM

Highlights: Palestinian body: Israel has turned its prisons into "living cemeteries" since October 7. Israel "prevents visits by family and lawyers, and has completely cut off prisoners from the outside world" "Sections (in prisons) are subjected to almost daily raids, during which soldiers assault prisoners with severe beatings with batons, guns, gas and rubber bullets," the commission said. The arrests have escalated due to a devastating war waged by Israel on the Gaza Strip since the seventh of last October.

The Palestinian Commission for Prisoners and Ex-Detainees Affairs said on Sunday that the Israeli occupation forces have turned their prisons into "living cemeteries" with the escalation of attacks on prisoners since the attack on the seventh of last October.

Families of prisoners during a protest demanding their release in front of an Israeli prison (French)

The Palestinian Commission for Prisoners and Ex-Detainees Affairs said on Sunday that the Israeli occupation forces have turned their prisons into "living cemeteries" with the escalation of attacks on prisoners since the attack on the seventh of last October.

The Commission added in a statement that "the pace of assault on prisoners has taken an escalating trend since the start of the war on the Gaza Strip, and coincided with a major blackout by the prison administration for not exposing the crimes it practices."

The PLO body stated that Israel "prevents visits by family and lawyers, and has completely cut off prisoners from the outside world." She pointed out that "6 prisoners have been killed in prisons since the seventh of last October as a result of severe torture."

"Sections (in prisons) are subjected to almost daily raids, during which soldiers assault prisoners with severe beatings with batons, guns, gas and rubber bullets," the commission said.

She added that the occupation soldiers deliberately beat the detainees "violently, deliberately neglecting to injure them and deliberately leaving them untreated."

"He's going to be beaten and he's going to die"

"If a prisoner asks for a doctor, the soldiers respond immediately: whoever asks to leave the station for treatment will be beaten and will die," she said.

The commission stressed that prisoners are subjected to many types of punishments, most notably "the lack of aluminum windows on the windows, where prisoners suffer from severe cold, and a lack of blankets and food."

"A large number of prisoners sleep on the floor, are not allowed to go out to the fura (glade), and all electrical appliances, personal belongings and clothes have been taken away from them," she said.

Israel holds about 7800,<> Palestinians in its prisons, according to official Palestinian data.

The arrests have escalated due to a devastating war waged by Israel on the Gaza Strip since the seventh of last October, which left more than 15,40 martyrs and <>,<> wounded, in addition to massive destruction of infrastructure and an "unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe," according to official Palestinian and UN sources.

Source : Anadolu Agency