Teller Report

One in two seniors feel that banks offer more services to younger customers

12/3/2023, 2:29:19 PM

Highlights: One in two seniors feel that banks offer more services to younger customers. The over-60s are demanding more personalization and more services from their banks. More than 3 out of 10 seniors regret not having more support from banks. People over the age of 60 would like to be supported on matters that go beyond the financial sphere, says Julien Lhoste, director of Obendy. The passage of sixty is also the starting point of physical decline for seniors, who would not be a support of their bank.

One in two seniors believe banks offer more services to younger customers, according to a study. OpinionWay and Obendy. The over-60s are demanding more personalization and more services from their banks, especially when it comes to carrying out financial projects.

Margaux Fodere // Credits: JOEL SAGET / AFP 12:07 p.m., December 03, 2023

One in two seniors believes that banks offer more services to younger customers, according to a study by OpinionWay and Obendy. The over-60s are demanding more personalisation and more services from their banks, especially when it comes to carrying out financial projects.

Are seniors the forgotten ones of the banks? The question arises for those over 60 years of age. According to an OpinionWay and Obendy study, half of them feel that banks offer more services to younger customers. Seniors expect more personalization from their bank, especially for financial projects. Whether it's investing money, preparing for retirement or taking out a mortgage, more than 3 out of 10 seniors regret not having more support from banks.

Like many young retirees, Sylvie, 66, wanted to move to the countryside two years ago. To change his home, his bank offered him only one product: the bridging loan. "When you're young, there are quite a few banking products designed for you to encourage you to take out a loan and get involved. But there is no specific product for seniors: there is no zero loan, or we don't help seniors to move from an active life to a retired life," the 1-year-old told Europe <>.

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Be better supported

People over the age of 60 would like to be supported on matters that go beyond the financial sphere. For example, about becoming a caregiver for a dependent parent. "The bank can support in the discovery of this new role. Both thanks to content that will help the senior understand what it means to be a caregiver, what are the aids, both financial aid or aid for access to associations. And then next to this content there are services, applications for example that allow the help to think about everything it has to do," says Julien Lhoste, director of Obendy. The passage of sixty is also the starting point of physical decline for seniors, who would not be a support of their bank.