Teller Report

How is the IDF using AI to bomb Gaza?

12/3/2023, 6:05:06 PM

Highlights: The Israeli army is using artificial intelligence to target targets in the Gaza Strip. The "Bible" and the "factory of fire" are two of the tools used in the bombing campaign. The use of AI is one of the most destructive and lethal methods in the world, says a French newspaper. The Israeli army has been bombing Gaza for more than a week. The bombing campaign has killed more than 1,000 people, according to the French media. The IDF has said that it will continue to use AI to target and destroy targets.

The French newspaper "Liberation" said on Saturday that the Israeli army is using artificial intelligence techniques to wage an all-out war in the Gaza Strip with which it can estimate the number of civilian casualties in the bombing.

Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip resulted in the death and injury of tens of thousands (French)

The Israeli army is using artificial intelligence techniques to wage all-out war in the Gaza Strip with which it can estimate the number of civilian casualties in the bombing, French newspaper Libération said on Saturday, saying that algorithms developed by Israel or private companies are one of the most destructive and lethal methods of bombing in the 21st century.

The French newspaper quoted the Israeli newspaper "Jerusalem Post" that the Israeli army claimed to lead what it called the first "artificial intelligence war", using 3 algorithms, namely "alchemist", "gospel", and "depth of wisdom", and mentioned another military system it uses called the "fire factory".

Use algorithms

The IDF uses these algorithms to analyze a large number of intelligence data and quickly estimate the effects of various potential strategic options.

The newspaper reported that the Israeli army is using two tools in particular in its war on the Gaza Strip: the "Bible" and the "factory of fire."

The first aims to suggest the most relevant targets of the attack, within a certain perimeter. The second is used to optimize attack plans for aircraft and drones depending on the nature of the targets chosen, and algorithms are responsible for calculating the amount of ammunition needed.

The IDF's AI systems are operated by operators who must verify and approve targets and raid plans, meaning these systems will not make a direct decision to fire, although part of the process will be automated.

Israeli warplanes target inhabited houses and residential buildings (Reuters)

Targeting civilians is no coincidence

The Bible algorithm takes civilian casualties among the elements it considers in identifying new bombing targets.

It quoted Israeli media interviewing a military source, who said that their rockets to Gaza are not indiscriminate, and reported that "when a three-year-old girl is killed in a house in Gaza, it is because an Israeli army member decided that her death is not important," stressing that they know the extent of the damage resulting from the bombing of each house.

Frenzied bombardment

The newspaper quoted Israeli media as saying that the use of these technological solutions explains how the Israeli army was able to bombard the Gaza Strip at such a frantic pace.

According to IDF figures, it bombed 15,35 sites during the first <> days of the war on the Strip, and admitted that the Bible algorithm automatically allowed it to identify "targets at a rapid pace."

The newspaper reported that the Israeli military said that the "Bible" algorithm records 100 targets per day for bombing, while the army was setting 50 targets annually in Gaza to bomb them, and former army officers described the algorithm as a "factory of mass assassinations."

Source: French Press