Teller Report

C and MP threaten climate minister with no confidence

12/3/2023, 10:24:58 PM

Highlights: C and MP threaten climate minister with no confidence. The Center Party has previously threatened a vote of no confidence in Climate and Environment Minister Romina Pourmokhtari. Right now, the government's new climate goals are being negotiated between the Tidö parties – M, KD, L and SD.Where the government sees the goal of zero emissions by 2045 as crucial and that the other goals can be regarded as "control situations".So far, theGovernment has not presented any action plan regarding the climate.

The Center Party has previously threatened a vote of no confidence in Climate and Environment Minister Romina Pourmokhtari (L) – now the Green Party seems to be following in the same track. "If you don't reach the goals, we have a mistrust that we intend to arouse," says Rickard Nordin (C), climate policy spokesperson in SVT's Agenda special.

Right now, the government's new climate goals are being negotiated between the Tidö parties – M, KD, L and SD.

Where the government sees the goal of zero emissions by 2045 as crucial and that the other goals can be regarded as "control situations".

So far, the government has not presented any action plan regarding the climate.

Why haven't you presented a new climate policy action plan?

- You present an action plan that is well thought out and mine will be quite different from the previous government's which was very comprehensive, and it takes time, says Romina Pourmokhtari in SVT's Agenda.

Pressure from the opposition

But the pressure on the negotiations is tough, not least from the opposition party C, which during Sunday's Agenda special on the climate reiterated its earlier threats of a vote of no confidence in the climate minister if the climate goals are not achieved.

"We are clear. If you do not reach the goals, we have a vote of no confidence that we intend to raise against the climate minister, says Rickard Nordin (C) in SVT's Agenda on Sunday evening.

A threat that MP now seems to be behind.

"I stand ready to pursue a vote of no confidence. The Tidö parties' handling of the climate crisis is a wreck and they have referred all issues to the upcoming climate action plan, says Elin Söderberg (MP) to Expressen.

'A political game'

At least 35 signatures are required for a declaration of no confidence to be submitted, so C's own votes are not enough and the party needs backing from MP, something they now seem to have. If MP were to follow through.

The Minister for Climate and the Environment, on the other hand, rejects and says that the negotiations between the Tidö parties are going according to plan and that an action plan will soon be presented. It has already been said that the plan will be presented before the end of the year.

"I can't interpret it as anything other than 'political games'," says Romina Pourmokhtari (L).

In order for a minister to be forced to resign, at least half of the members of the Riksdag must vote yes, i.e. at least 175 members.