Teller Report

British Foreign Secretary Cameron intends to persuade the United States to continue helping Ukraine

12/3/2023, 4:14:53 PM

Highlights: British Foreign Secretary David Cameron plans to convince the White House of the need to continue providing military and financial assistance to Ukraine. According to Cameron, there is a debate in the United States about how actively and for how long assistance should be provided to Kyiv. "I want to assure them that we will stay the course and mobilize other allies too," he said in an op-ed published by The Sun on Sunday. Earlier, Cameron called on NATO arms firms to supply Ukraine for at least two years.

British Foreign Secretary David Cameron, during his upcoming trip to the United States, plans to convince the White House of the need to continue providing military and financial assistance to Ukraine. This was told by the head of the British Foreign Office himself.

According to Cameron, there is a debate in the United States about how actively and for how long assistance should be provided to Kyiv.

"I know that the argument that European security is American security, that dictators should not be appeased, will prevail. But I want to assure them that we will stay the course and mobilize other allies too," he said in an op-ed published by The Sun on Sunday.

Earlier, Cameron called on NATO arms firms to supply Ukraine for at least two years.