Teller Report

Afghanistan: Four years after the shooting of Tetsu Nakamura, construction of a canal to inherit his legacy proceeds

12/3/2023, 9:05:21 PM

Highlights: It will be four years in four days since Tetsu Nakamura, a doctor who has been involved in humanitarian assistance in Afghanistan for many years, was shot and killed. Locally, the people who inherited Mr. Nakamura's legacy are working on activities such as new irrigation canals. Construction of a new irrigation canal for irrigation has been underway in the Kot district of Nangarhar Province for about a year. The irrigation canal is expected to be completed in March next year, improving the lives of 3,1 people living in the area.

【NHK】It will be four years in four days since Dr. Tetsu Nakamura, a doctor who has been involved in humanitarian assistance in Afghanistan for many years, was shot and killed. Locally, the medium...

It will be four years in four days since Tetsu Nakamura, a doctor who has been involved in humanitarian assistance in Afghanistan for many years, was shot and killed. Locally, the people who inherited Mr. Nakamura's legacy are working on activities such as new irrigation canals.

Tetsu Nakamura (73 years old at the time), a doctor who had been involved in humanitarian assistance in Afghanistan for many years as a local representative of the Peshawar Association, an NGO in Fukuoka City, was shot dead four years ago on December 4, 2019, in the eastern province of Nangarhar.

The investigation into the case has not made any progress since the Islamist Taliban came to power, and there is no prospect of clarifying the truth.

On the other hand, even after Mr. Nakamura's death, the Peshawar Association has continued to support the area, and the construction of a new irrigation canal for irrigation has been underway in the Kot district of Nangarhar Province for about a year.

Mr. Nakamura and Mr. Faheem Shirzad, an engineer who has worked with Mr. Nakamura for about 1 years, took the lead in teaching the technology that Mr. Nakamura had devised to the local residents.

Afghanistan is facing severe food shortages due to prolonged drought, but the irrigation canal is expected to be completed in March next year, improving the lives of 3,1 people living in the area.

Mr. Fahim, an engineer, said, "Mr. Nakamura's wish was to make Afghans smile so that people can get jobs and become rich.

A male resident who participated in the work said, "Thanks to the people who have worked with Mr. Nakamura, I have come to feel that this area can also develop, and I am very happy."