Teller Report

A look back at last night's terrorist stabbing attack in the Eiffel Tower district of Paris

12/3/2023, 6:15:06 PM

Highlights: A look back at last night's terrorist stabbing attack in the Eiffel Tower district of Paris. Every Saturday and Sunday evening, Pierre de Vilno welcomes two guests for current affairs debates. Strong opinions and incisive arguments are on the program from 18:30 p.m. to 19:00 p.M. The debate is open to the public and is hosted by the host, Pierre De Vilno. For more information on the debate, visit the website of the show, or click here.

Every Saturday and Sunday evening, Pierre de Vilno welcomes two guests for current affairs debates. Strong opinions and incisive arguments are on the program from 18:30 p.m. to 19:00 p.m.

Pierre de Vilno 19:04 p.m., December 03, 2023

Every Saturday and Sunday evening, Pierre de Vilno welcomes two guests for current affairs debates. Strong opinions and incisive arguments are on the program from 18:30 p.m. to 19:00 p.m.


Christian Prouteau, founder of the GIGN


Marie-Estelle Dupont, clinical psychologist, author of Being a Parent in Times of Crisis (Guy Trédaniel Editeur, 2023)


Michel Aubouin, honorary prefect and essayist, author of The Challenge of Being French


Christophe Rouget, police commander and general secretary of the SCSI-CFDT