Teller Report

The second anniversary of the opening of the China-Laos Railway: The National Railway Police are dedicated to protecting safety day and night

12/2/2023, 11:18:35 AM

Highlights: The second anniversary of the opening of the China-Laos Railway: The National Railway Police are dedicated to protecting safety day and night. The police officers of the Mohan Station Police Station of the Public Security Department of the Kaiyuan Railway in Yunnan Province stick to the front line and guard the safe operation of the line. Since the opening, more than 7000,570 international freight trains have been operated, with a cross-border cargo volume of 230.<> million tons and a value of more than <> billion yuan.

Xishuangbanna, December 12 (Xu Hong, Dewey) The mountains are continuous and full of green. Although it has entered winter, the "national gate" located in the southwest border of the motherland is still in summer. The China-Laos Railway, which carries the friendship between China and Laos, is about to usher in the important time node of the second anniversary of its opening and operation, and the police officers of the Mohan Station Police Station of the Public Security Department of the Kaiyuan Railway in Yunnan Province stick to the front line and guard the safe operation of the line day and night with the "craftsman spirit" of excellence.

The picture shows the National Railway Police working in the jurisdiction of the China-Laos Railway. Photo courtesy of Yunnan Kaiyuan Railway Police

At about 12 o'clock on December 1, Liu Guanglong, director of the Mohan Station Police Station of the Kaiyuan Public Security Department of the Kunming Railway Public Security Bureau, had already started a day's work, busy formulating plans, deploying police forces, and leading patrols.

on November 11, 29,2789 passengers; On November 11, 30,2781 passengers..."The China-Laos Railway is about to celebrate its second anniversary, and we can't afford to slack off!" For more than 700 days and nights, Liu Guanglong and his "comrades-in-arms" have been sticking here.

After the shift meeting, Liu Guanglong hurriedly put on his hat, loaded a law enforcement recorder, notebook, pliers, police flashlight, etc. into his bag, and took the policemen Ying Yuanxing and Wang Zi to the key sections of the jurisdiction. Since being transferred to the director of the Mohan Station Police Station, 32-year-old Liu Guanglong has lost count of how many times he has walked this section of the line.

The picture shows the National Railway Police carrying out patrols and inspections in the jurisdiction of the China-Laos Railway. Photo courtesy of Yunnan Kaiyuan Railway Police

"Let's spray more toilet water and be careful of mosquito bites." Most of the railway lines in the area under the jurisdiction of Mohan Station Police Station pass through primeval forests, and the cars cannot drive to the side of the line, so they can only patrol on foot. One step, two steps, three steps... Along the rugged path, Liu Guanglong, who is 186cm tall, bent over, slowed down and carefully inspected the barbed net and protective fence, and found that the gaps were large and there were laxities, so he worked with the police to reinforce them. Nowadays, the highest temperature during the day reaches 28 °C, and after nearly 1 hour of inspection, the three policemen are already sweating profusely.

In addition to the 92.2-kilometer high-speed rail line, the police also have to take into account the safety of the China-Laos International Friendship Tunnel and the 500-acre freight yard. "Our jurisdiction is the first station of the China-Laos Railway in and out of our country, and every corner must not be sloppy." Looking at the work tasks completed on the notebook, Liu Guanglong said.

It is understood that since the opening of the China-Laos Railway, more than 7000,570 international freight trains have been operated, with a cross-border cargo volume of 230.<> million tons and a value of more than <> billion yuan. The "Lancang-Mekong Express" and "Lancang-Mekong Europe-Europe Line" and other pedigree products have been continuously enriched, new businesses such as cross-border e-commerce, cold chain express and textile express have continued to add color, and the interconnection between China and Laos and Thailand and "China-Laos + China-Europe" have formed an organic connection.

The picture shows the National Railway Police carrying out duty work at Mohan Station. Photo courtesy of Yunnan Kaiyuan Railway Police

After ensuring the safety of the railway line and freight yard, Liu Guanglong led the team to the station area. "The station attendant report reported that 887 passengers were discharged from the D444 train, including 292 outbound passengers." A voice came over the intercom. "Please send more police to the transfer lane." Liu Guanglong used the walkie-talkie to deploy the police force while trotting to the platform to carry out work.

At about 12:23, the D887 international passenger train from Kunming South to Vientiane, Laos slowly entered the station. During the drop-off period, many tourists took photos and checked in. "Slow down, kids, don't go near the yellow line!" "Hello, please pay attention to the safety of your feet..."During the inspection, Liu Guanglong told the passengers over and over again.

"Thank you, uncle, your photography skills are really good!" When maintaining the order of passengers getting on and off the bus, Liu Guanglong also played a cameo role as a "photographer" for Xiao Wang, a 21-year-old college student tourist. "We want to let Chinese and foreign tourists feel the temperature of the national railway police!" Liu Guanglong said with a smile.

In the Mohan Station Police Station, there is a saying among the police: although the station area is not large, patrolling "costs water, shoes, and thighs". Every day for safety patrols, the police on duty have to walk nearly 20,000 steps; The same question may have to be answered hundreds of times a day.

The picture shows the National Railway Police carrying out duty work at Mohan Station. Photo courtesy of Yunnan Kaiyuan Railway Police

"The law and order situation here is very good, and the police are working hard!" In the waiting room, Mr. Zhou, a tourist from Heilongjiang, took his family to Laos by international passenger train. Liu Guanglong introduced that in Mohan Station, there are mainly help-seeking police situations, and there are few contradictions, disputes and public security cases, which is thanks to the "Border Iron Police" brand that they are actively building.

The picture shows the National Railway Police providing intimate services for tourists on the China-Laos Railway. Photo courtesy of Yunnan Kaiyuan Railway Police

In addition, the Mohan Station Police Station has also set up a "Party Member Pioneer Post" and "Youth Commando", set up a convenient service desk and a Chinese-Lao, Chinese-English bilingual service post, and strive to provide more intimate services to Chinese and foreign tourists... As the "guardians of the country", all the police officers of Mohan Station Police Station have won the praise of the passengers through one heart-warming little thing after another. (ENDS)