Teller Report

Podemos is left out of the provisional leadership of Sumar and widens its distance from Yolanda Díaz

12/2/2023, 11:58:46 AM

Highlights: Podemos is left out of the provisional leadership of Sumar and widens its distance from Yolanda Díaz. Sumar has appointed an Executive Group that will function provisionally until the celebration of its assembly in the spring of 2024. There are no Podemos officials in this body and there are no representatives of regional political formations of the current coalition such as Compromís, Chunta or Més per Mallorca. The political document that will be drafted by this provisional Executive will be aimed at carrying out "a strategic analysis the current situation"

Sumar has appointed an Executive Group that will function on an interim basis until the celebration of its assembly in the spring of 2024, made up of members of the party of...

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Sumar has appointed an Executive Group that will function provisionally until the celebration of its assembly in the spring of 2024, made up of members of Yolanda Díaz's party, IU, Más Madrid, Más País, Verdes Equo or the Commons.

However, there are no Podemos officials in this body and there are no representatives of several regional political formations of the current coalition such as Compromís, Chunta or Més per Mallorca.

As reported this Saturday by Sumar in a statement, the appointment of the promoter group is a further step in the construction of the political project of the second vice-president, who will pilot the process until the final management body is voted on in the assembly.

Among the profiles recruited by Díaz for this provisional executive are figures from his hard core such as the party's spokesman and Minister of Culture, Ernest Urtasun, and Díaz's former cabinet director in the Ministry of Labor, the spokesperson in Congress, Marta Lois, and executive coordinator of Sumar, Josep Vendrell.

They are joined by the leader of Más Madrid and Minister of Health, Mónica García, the head of Youth and Children and leader of IU, Sira Rego, the leader of Más País, Íñigo Errejón, the MEP and coordinator of the electoral program of Sumar Maria Eugenia Rodríguez Palop, the parliamentary spokesperson of IU and secretary general of the PCE, Enrique Santiago, or the co-spokesperson of Verdes Equo Florent Marcellesi.

Other names in this provisional leadership are the spokesperson for feminisms and LGTBi rights of Sumar, Elizabeth Duval; the leader of En Comú Podem, first secretary of the Bureau of the Congress, Gerardo Pisarello.

Likewise, the Executive Group has decided to appoint Josep Vendrell as executive coordinator of Sumar; Íñigo Errejón, as coordinator of the political presentation together with Marta Lois; and Deputy Lander Martínez, as coordinator of the organizational presentation together with the technical secretary of the Care in Sumar group, Paula Moreno.

In Sumar they are aware that the organic construction of the political project has a series of phases and have remarked that it is necessary to give time for reflection to the political forces that are not now in the group, with a view to their incorporation later.

There are also voices in the coalition that remark that there are parties that are more focused on being part of the organic deployment of Sumar, while others stick to the electoral alliance.

For example, this week Compromís emphasized that it is an autonomous force, whose brand is the reference in that territory, and maintains a relationship of "horizontality" with Sumar.

Meanwhile, Podemos has maintained a series of disagreements with Sumar since the negotiations for the 23J coalition and has been involved in several clashes with Díaz's party, especially after being left out of the government.

Last month, the Purples approved their new roadmap that proclaims that they will not dissolve in Sumar, that future electoral alliances will be conditioned to primaries without vetoes and defend their autonomy in Congress, pointing out that their votes in the chamber are not given away and will have to be negotiated.


The political document that will be drafted by this provisional Executive will be aimed at carrying out "a strategic analysis of the current situation and its possibilities" to provide Sumar with an "ideological rearmament", always respecting "the autonomy of the territorial forces" that make up the coalition.

Thus, Yolanda Díaz's party has stressed the importance of defining itself not "by that" to which it is opposed, but "by what future they propose", as well as to overcome the crisis of political imagination" of the "democratic and egalitarian forces in the world", as explained by the party in the statement.

"Sumar assumes the need for an ideological rearmament that involves postulating and defending a concrete and desirable horizon of social justice, balance with the Earth and the enjoyment of shared freedom. A horizon that guides a policy of transition between the improvement of life," the text continues, highlighting the importance of progress towards "a better, green, just, feminist society."

The party's organizational priorities are to "convert the flow of political support" received on July 23 into an "organized force" inserted in the social territory and at the same time "an engine of community ties and generation of an alternative political subjectivity, which prefigures the world we want."

The statutes of Sumar contemplate affiliation to the formation (without closing the door to dual militancy in that text) and a future executive, called the Coordination Table, which would be made up of between three and ten people.

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