Teller Report

Laurent Mariotte remembers his grandmother's toast

12/2/2023, 11:39:34 AM

Highlights: Every Saturday, Laurent Mariotte and his columnists grill the guest: an interview that allows us to learn more about the culinary tastes of our personality of the week. Today, for the first time, LaurentMariotte. And we learn that he has a passion for toast. At the end of the episode, columnist Yves Camdeborde introduces us to the wine of Bugey and more particularly Cerdon. And Laurent Mariotste is on the grill of the Bons vivants, for a first time.

Every Saturday, Laurent Mariotte and his columnists grill the guest: an interview that allows us to learn more about the culinary tastes of our personality of the week. Today, for the first time, Laurent Mariotte.

Laurent Mariotte 12:30 p.m., December 02, 2023

Every Saturday, Laurent Mariotte and his columnists grill the guest: an interview that allows us to learn more about the culinary tastes of our personality of the week. Today, for the first time, Laurent Mariotte.

At the end of the episode, columnist Yves Camdeborde introduces us to the wine of Bugey and more particularly Cerdon. And Laurent Mariotte is on the grill of the Bons vivants, for the first time! He answers questions from his columnists Yves Camdeborde and Emmanuel Rubin. What is the dish of your childhood? What's always in your fridge? What's your secret address? What is the word for hunger? These are some of the questions asked to Laurent Mariotte. And we learn that he has a passion for toast.