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The new rules are coming in December! These changes will affect your life and my life

12/1/2023, 2:18:46 AM

Highlights: The new rules are coming in December! These changes will affect your life and my life. China has implemented a unilateral visa-free policy for six countries. The first administrative regulations in the field of social security management were implemented. The new version of the permanent residence ID card for foreigners was issued on December 12. The "Measures for the Administration of Food Business Licensing and Filing" came into force on December12, adding a special chapter to clarify the specific requirements for the filing of only prepackaged food., Beijing, December 12 -- In December, a number of new regulations affecting people's livelihood came into effect. China has implemented a unilateral visa-free policy for six countries, implemented the first administrative regulation in the field of social security management, and explicitly banned the use of "fresh lamps" in the sale of edible agricultural products... These new rules deserve your attention!

New national regulations

China has implemented a unilateral visa-free policy for six countries on a trial basis

In order to further promote people-to-people exchanges between China and foreign countries, and serve high-quality development and high-level opening-up, China has decided to expand the scope of unilateral visa-free countries on a trial basis, and to implement a unilateral visa-free policy for ordinary passport holders from six countries: France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and Malaysia. From December 6, 2023 to November 12, 1, holders of ordinary passports from the above-mentioned countries can enter China visa-free for business, sightseeing, visiting relatives and friends and transiting through the border for no more than 2024 days. Those who do not meet the visa exemption conditions from the above-mentioned countries still need to apply for a visa to China before entering the country.

The new version of the permanent residence ID card for foreigners was issued

The National Immigration Administration announced that the new version of the permanent residence ID card for foreigners of the People's Republic of China will be officially issued and put into use from December 12, and the new version of the permanent residence permit will be released at the same time. After the new version of the permanent residence permit is put into use, the current version of the permanent residence permit can still be used during the validity period, and the holder can apply for the renewal of the new version of the permanent residence permit in a timely manner according to his personal needs.

The first administrative regulations in the field of social security management were implemented

The "Regulations on the Handling of Social Insurance" came into force on December 12, first, closely following the Social Insurance Law and clarifying the scope of adjustment of the regulations; the second is to clarify the responsibilities of the handling agency and strengthen the service management and supervision; the third is to reduce the supporting materials and clarify the time limit for processing; Fourth, improve the management system and strengthen supervision measures; Fifth, clarify legal responsibilities and severely punish illegal and criminal acts.

Clarify the specific requirements for the filing of only pre-packaged food sales

The "Measures for the Administration of Food Business Licensing and Filing" came into force on December 12, adding a special chapter to clarify the specific requirements for the filing of only prepackaged food; further simplify the food business licensing process, reduce the time limit for licensing, and adjust part of the licensing management to the report to release the reform dividend; Further clarify the scope of handling food business licenses and the specific circumstances under which food business licenses are not required.

It is clear that the sale of edible agricultural products prohibits the use of "fresh lamps"

The Measures for the Supervision and Administration of the Quality and Safety of Edible Agricultural Products Market, which came into force on December 12, clarifies that when operators sell fresh edible agricultural products, they shall not use lighting and other facilities that cause obvious changes to the true color and luster of edible agricultural products and other sensory properties, so as to mislead consumers about the sensory perception of the goods.

Data map: The Shanghai Municipal Food and Drug Safety Office, together with relevant departments, will jointly carry out the comprehensive management of key edible agricultural products.

It is stipulated that the efficacy claims of toothpaste should be based on sufficient scientific evidence

The "Provisions on the Administration of Toothpaste Filing Materials" came into force on December 12, stipulating that the efficacy claims of toothpaste should have a sufficient scientific basis, prohibiting the labeling of content that explicitly or implicitly has a medical effect, and the non-children's toothpaste with fluoride should be marked with "this product is not suitable for children".

For the first time, a detailed specification of the courtyard awning was carried out

The formulation and introduction of the document will fill the gap in the lack of standards and specifications for this type of product, which is conducive to the improvement of the quality of courtyard awning products and the development of the industry, and provides guarantee for the export of enterprises. For the first time, the document specifies the courtyard awning in detail in terms of product classification, raw materials, appearance, product integrity, size, performance requirements and safety requirements.

New local regulations

Shanghai: Full implementation of temporary resident ID card "cross-provincial general application"

Since December 12, the Shanghai public security organs have fully implemented the "cross-provincial general application" of temporary resident ID cards, and household registrations in other provinces and cities can also apply for temporary ID cards in Shanghai.

Liaoning: Training fees collected by training institutions should be deposited into a special account for supervision

The "Liaoning Provincial Measures for the Management of Non-academic Extracurricular Training Institutions for Primary and Secondary School Students" came into force on December 12, clarifying that training institutions shall not charge fees for a period of more than 1 months or 3 class hours at one time or in disguise, and shall not exceed 60,5000 yuan, and the training fees collected shall be fully deposited into a special account for supervision.

Data map: Elementary school students take music lessons at school.

Shandong: Offline stores should be available for online drug sales

The "Implementation Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Online Drug Sales in Shandong Province" came into force on December 12, stipulating that those engaged in online retail activities should have corresponding offline physical stores, and no physical stores are allowed to sell drugs through the Internet.

Shanxi: Fully implement the "Internet + employee outpatient co-ordination" medical insurance payment

Since December 12, Shanxi has fully implemented the medical insurance payment of "Internet + employee outpatient co-ordination". After the insured person issues an electronic prescription through the online consultation of the medical insurance Internet hospital, he or she can enjoy the overall treatment of the outpatient department of the employee medical insurance when purchasing drugs in the designated medical institution.

Jiangsu: The electricity consumption of public charging and swapping facilities for new energy vehicles in the community shall be subject to residential electricity prices

From December 12, Jiangsu will implement residential electricity prices for the electricity used by public charging and swapping facilities for new energy vehicles in residential areas, and implement supportive policies such as peak and valley time-of-use electricity prices for the electricity used by charging and swapping facilities that implement industrial and commercial electricity prices.

Data map: Residents in the community are charging new energy vehicles.

Sichuan: Establish and complete a system of incentives for trustworthiness

The "Sichuan Provincial Social Credit Regulations" came into force on December 12, encouraging market entities to employ measures such as giving preferential facilitation to trustworthy entities and increasing trading opportunities, and employing measures such as canceling preferential treatment and increasing security deposits for untrustworthy entities.

Yunnan: Unified unemployment insurance rates across the province

Yunnan's "Opinions on the Establishment of a Provincial Overall Unemployment Insurance System" came into force on December 12, and the province's unemployment insurance payment rate will be unified at 1%, of which the unit payment rate is 3% and the individual payment rate is 2%. (ENDS)