Teller Report

Positive self-test equals infection? Do I need a second visit? Experts respond

12/1/2023, 1:38:02 AM

Highlights: Some people choose to buy a Mycoplasma pneumoniae self-test kit online for testing. Some people have reported that it is difficult to operate and the results are not accurate in the process of use. Winter is the season of high incidence of respiratory diseases, and the public should pay attention to the prevention of diseases. If symptoms appear, the right medicine can be prescribed, but the follow-up should be closely observed for progression to severe disease. Even if some children do not have a high fever, if they have a malaise, vomiting and diarrhea, even difficulty breathing, and lack of complexion, it is recommended to see a doctor in time.

Positive self-test equals infection? When should I see a doctor? Do I need a second visit? Experts respond...

CCTV News: Recently, many places have entered the season of high incidence of respiratory infectious diseases, among which Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection is still the "mainstream". Fearing that going to the hospital for a check-up may lead to cross-infection, some people choose to buy a Mycoplasma pneumoniae self-test kit online for testing. Are the results of this self-test box accurate? Does a positive self-test equal to infection?

CCTV reporter Hao Jiaqi: Mycoplasma pneumoniae IGM antibody detection kit, including diluent, test card and straw, when using, drop blood on the test card and wait for 10 minutes to get the result.

On the Internet, some consumers shared their experience of using the self-test kit, and some people found it convenient and fast, reducing the risk of cross-infection. However, some people have reported that it is difficult to operate and the results are not accurate in the process of use. Experts said that at present, most of the self-test kits sold on e-commerce platforms use colloidal gold and immunochromatography to detect IGM antibodies or antigens of Mycoplasma pneumoniae, which can allow people to quickly judge whether they are infected with the virus, but there are uncertainties in their accuracy and sensitivity.

Lang Zhongping, deputy chief technician of the laboratory department of Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital: Especially when it comes to the interpretation of the results later, it may be misleading to the public. MYCOPLASMA PNEUMONIAE IGM ANTIBODY TESTING IS NOW THE MOST POPULAR ON THE MARKET, AND THE TEST RESULTS ARE OFTEN NEGATIVE FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE IMMUNOCOMPROMISED OR IN THE WINDOW OF INFECTION. Conversely, if the test result is positive, it does not mean that the infection is caused by Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and it is likely to be a previous infection. Therefore, I do not recommend the public to buy these test kits for self-testing.

According to experts, there are strict guidelines and procedures for the diagnosis of Mycoplasma pneumoniae in clinical practice, in addition to laboratory testing, imaging examinations and routine tests are also very important, which have an auxiliary role in the diagnosis and treatment of doctors. If symptoms appear, the right medicine can be prescribed, but the follow-up should be closely observed for progression to severe disease.

Lang Zhongping, deputy chief technician of the laboratory department of Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital: After taking these medicines symptomatically, the fever did not subside, and there were some violent coughs, chest tightness, and difficulty breathing. However, some children who are listless, do not want to eat, and have wheezing after symptomatic treatment should go to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible.

Experts remind that winter is the season of high incidence of respiratory diseases, and the public should pay attention to the prevention of diseases, such as washing hands frequently, ventilating more, wearing masks, and keeping warm.

When should parents bring their child to the doctor?

When should parents bring their children to the doctor if they have symptoms of a suspected respiratory infection? What do I need to pay attention to during my appointment?

Experts reminded that at present, the children who visit the clinic are mainly influenza, and there are also intertwined infections with various viruses such as Mycoplasma pneumoniae, adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, and rhinovirus. Whether to take your child to the hospital or not, body temperature and mental state are the two most important indicators to judge.

Ye Leping, Chief Physician of Pediatrics, Peking University First Hospital: For example, if the child has a low-grade fever and an occasional cough, and the symptoms are not too serious, you can not rush to the hospital for the time being. If the fever exceeds 38.5°C and lasts for more than 48 hours, especially in infants and young children with a high fever and cough less than three years of age, it is necessary to see a doctor promptly. Even if some children do not have a high fever, if they have malaise, loss of appetite, vomiting and diarrhea, or even difficulty breathing, and lack of ruddy complexion, it is recommended to see a doctor in time.

Experts remind parents that during the medical process, it is recommended to bring the test results from other medical institutions before, so as to save time for the examination and waiting. At the same time, it is recommended to record the child's medication, fever and maximum temperature, course of illness and symptoms, etc., and inform the doctor at the time of consultation, so as to better help the doctor clearly understand the child's condition and treat the symptoms.

During the hospital visit, parents should wear masks for their children to avoid increasing the risk of cross-infection, wash their hands in time when they return home, and disinfect their clothes. In the process of home care for children, attention should be paid to opening windows for ventilation, avoiding crowded places as much as possible, and maintaining a certain social distance.

Does the child need to seek medical attention for a second time if he has a bad cough for a long time?

Many children have coughing symptoms after the respiratory infection has improved, and even have a bad cough for a long time, does this situation need to be seen a second time and how to deal with it?

The first thing to be clear is that cough is a symptom and a protective reflex, not a stand-alone disease. Coughing is caused by other illnesses and can be used to clear respiratory secretions and foreign bodies in the airways. In layman's terms, it is to clean out the "garbage" in the respiratory tract. If your child's cough is not very severe and frequent, you can observe it first. If the cough gradually subsides, there is no need to go to the hospital again.

Sang Tian, Deputy Chief Physician of Pediatrics, Peking University First Hospital: This is called post-infection cough, especially after mycoplasma infection, which can last for a long time. If the child coughs very severely, resulting in breath-holding, or even phlegm that cannot be coughed up, it is still necessary to come to the hospital to adjust the medication, but it does not necessarily mean that the longer the cough after infection, the more serious the infection, this is not directly related.

If the cough is severe and interferes with sleep, it can be relieved by nebulizing or cough and phlegm medicines suitable for your child under the guidance of a doctor. If the cough lasts for more than 1 month, it is recommended to see a doctor in time and do relevant examinations under the guidance of a doctor. (CCTV)