Teller Report

Now the super trucks can roll through the county

12/1/2023, 3:39:10 PM

Highlights: New super-long trucks will be allowed to drive on the E4 and parts of Highway 40 through Jönköping County. The maximum permitted length was previously just over 25 metres, and has now increased to 34.5 metres. This means 9 metres longer than the traditional truck. According to the Swedish Transport Administration, the change means that there can be a reduction in emissions from heavy truck traffic of between four and six percent through fewer but longer rigs. Do you see risks in the new truck being released into traffic?

As of today, new super-long trucks will be allowed to drive on the E4 and parts of Highway 40 through Jönköping County. According to the Swedish Transport Administration, it can both reduce climate impact and provide more efficient transport.

Due to its location, Jönköping is a hub for truck transports and many hauliers may be affected.

The maximum permitted length was previously just over 25 metres, and has now increased to 34.5 metres. This means 9 metres longer than the traditional truck.

"I'm positive about the new trucks, but the first thing that comes to mind is that it may require a little better winter road maintenance and rest areas to get into," says Christer Claesson, CEO of Claessons Transport.

Do you see risks in the new truck being released into traffic?

"There are quite a lot of demands on these vehicles compared to conventional vehicles, so I don't think there's any danger," says Christer Claesson.

In the clip, you can hear how he thinks about buying long trucks himself.

Reduction of emissions

According to the Swedish Transport Administration's calculations, the change means that there can be a reduction in emissions from heavy truck traffic of between four and six percent through fewer but longer rigs.

For the time being, the super-long trucks have to stick to a designated road network that is adapted to cope with them.

Designated road network that the super-long trucks will follow in traffic. Photo: Swedish Transport Administration

The road network in the picture above consists of approximately 450 km of roads and 140 km of state connecting roads that have been developed together with the 160 municipalities that are affected. In addition, municipal access roads will also be created.

The new long trucks will be clearly marked with a sign at the front and rear so that other road users can plan their overtaking.