Teller Report

Laura Londoño, the winner of MasterChef Celebrity 8 who gave up everything for talent: "I had tremendous pressure"

12/1/2023, 2:08:43 PM

Highlights: Laura Londoño, star of Café con aroma de mujer, risked everything to participate in MasterChef Celebrity 8. She left her home in Colombia, packed all her things, took her husband and two children and came to Spain. "You can only risk and play what you are willing to lose", she says. "I'm an intense crazy person and when it gets into something in my head I don't stop and I took it as my job, as if I was preparing for a character," she adds.

Laura Londoño was and is bothered by being told that she was always the favorite to win MasterChef Celebrity 8. It bothers him because he knows that if he has won...

  • MomenTVs Laura Londoño, the "golden" winner of MasterChef Celebrity 8

Laura Londoño was and is bothered by being told that she was always the favorite to win MasterChef Celebrity 8. It bothers him because he is clear that if he has won it has been because he has risked what not many would be willing to risk and because he has sweated it out.

The actress, star of Café con aroma de mujer, risked everything to participate in MasterChef Celebrity 8. She left her home in Colombia, packed all her things, took her husband and two children and came to Spain without knowing how long she could last in the culinary talent. For this reason, the best phrase that describes the contest that Laura Londoño has done is one of the phrases that she has repeated the most during the three months of MasterChef Celebrity 8: "You can only risk and play what you are willing to lose".


Grand finale.

Laura Londoño, the "golden" winner of MasterChef Celebrity 8

  • Written by: ESTHER MUCIENTES Madrid

Laura Londoño, the "golden" winner of MasterChef Celebrity 8

Therefore, when you talk to her on every question, she always has a "thank you" for her family and for herself. The pressure that Laura Londoño had was multiplied by two young daughters and a change of life filled her with doubts. What if she was kicked off MasterChef Celebrity the first week? What if I had risked so much for nothing? What if... "Comfort is a little dangerous to our growth," he says.

"In Colombia I was very comfortable and putting everything away, packing everything, arriving in a new city where you have to look for schools, where your friends are not, is a movement that requires a lot of effort and a lot of energy," she says. Laura Londoño has won MasterChef Celebrity 8 because she was the best, but Laura Londoño has won a lot

You dropped everything and brought your whole family to Spain just to participate in MasterChef. What would have happened if you hadn't won? It's a risk that I decided to take and I'm very grateful to my family because, besides, you didn't know how long it was going to last. In the event that I had been kicked out soon, then we would have taken a few months to enjoy Spain. From there, I wasn't going to lose anything, just the profits. It was going to be a great adventure. Now, to have won, imagine. I never imagined it. It has been a huge win and I thank myself for taking the risk. You were the favorite from practically the first show, did you feel pressure? I felt a lot of pressure, a lot of pressure. At first I didn't even realize it precisely because I had a lot of pressure and I wasn't aware of it. Even though they were telling me not to worry, I felt the pressure that I brought my whole family with me because of this and I couldn't fail. But I could see that they all had more experience than I did. I didn't cook, I had no idea and I felt disadvantaged, but I'm an intense crazy person and when it gets into something in my head I don't stop and I took it as my job, as if I was preparing for a character. You risked a lot... It was a very big effort and I also have very young girls. I had tremendous pressure. I studied, studied, and studied. They told me: 'it's a game', but I said no, it's not and I made a huge effort to appear calm every time we filmed, but behind the scenes everything happened to me and I suffered a lot. When did you realize then that you could be the winner and that they saw you as the winner? From chapters 9 and 10 I understood why my peers saw me as a strong companion. Yes, I was better than I thought, but also that character I have makes me try three times as hard.

I tried very hard to appear calm, but behind the scenes everything happened to me

Your final menu, especially the starter, was described by the judges as "the most complex in the entire history of MasterChef". Who helped you prepare it and how many hours and efforts did you put into it? They're big words and they're words that represent me because I'm a very complex person. I designed it in Can Roca with Joan and Jordi Roca. I, in my immense ignorance, didn't know who they were and then I realized that I was in the hands of the best and it's an infinite gift that MasterChef gave me. I spent a whole weekend with them, a weekend of deep immersion.
And MasterChef? How many hours did you dedicate to it? I don't know how many hours I've dedicated to MasterChef, but it was a lot of hours. Filming days were 10 hours. I am a super methodical person, perfectionist, organized and I practiced everything for hours and hours. On the days we weren't filming, I spent a lot of hours practicing. And for the menu of the final duel I dedicated three full days. Four times I did it so I could do it in two hours. He didn't have time to hesitate or talk. It had to be millimetric. I had to do it like when I do theater, which I prepare over and over again, over and over again. I learn it in my head, but I establish it in my leather.
Does it bother you to be told that you were the favorite and that no one had anything to do against you? At some point yes, because it generated a lot of pressure because for me it wasn't so obvious and it detracted a bit from my merit. I earned it because I worked at it, I worked too hard. It bothered me because I deserve it and I've sweated it out and I deserve it a lot.

I earned it because I worked for it, I worked too hard

What do you need to have to participate in MasterChef? Immense madness, a lot of desire to learn and a lot of ability to accept criticism. It's very hard. They take away your phone from the moment you arrive, you ask the times and they don't tell you because they want to take you out of your comfort zone and you have to have the ability to accept it and a lot of resilience.Which is more difficult to compete in MasterChef or record 92 episodes of Café con aroma de mujer with William Levy by the side?
MasteChef is much harder. A very big challenge and even more so since I know how difficult it is to work in television. I never thought this was going to be such a tremendous challenge that it has been, let alone having won it.

  • Masterchef
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