Teller Report

The UN climate chief quotes Yoda from Star Wars: "Do or not do. There is no try"

11/30/2023, 11:38:39 AM

Highlights: UN climate chief Simon Stiell urges all countries to live up to old climate pledges. UN has published the names of all delegates so that they can be held accountable to the entire world's population. Sultan al-Jaber was formally elected chairman of the meeting as the most controversial ever. He is also the head of the state oil company ADNOC in the United Arab Emirates, which has led to merciless criticism from the environmental movement and some countries. The chairman's dual roles have led many to doubt whether it is possible to agree on perhaps the most sensitive issue.

UN climate chief Simon Stiell urged all countries to live up to old climate pledges when COP28 opened in the morning. It's not good enough to just try," he said, citing the movie Star Wars.

The delegates from nearly 200 countries were also told that the UN has published the names of all delegates so that they can be held accountable to the entire world's population.

"The accreditations around your necks mean that you are responsible for delivering action, both here and at home," said Simon Stiell.

Controversial President

Sultan al-Jaber was formally elected chairman of the meeting as the most controversial ever. He is also the head of the state oil company ADNOC in the United Arab Emirates, which has led to merciless criticism from the environmental movement and some countries. On Wednesday, he strongly rejected claims that al-Jaber and the UAE will use the meeting to conclude new fossil fuel agreements with other countries as completely false.

The chairman's dual roles have led many to doubt whether it is possible to agree on perhaps the most sensitive issue of the meeting; to phase out all fossil fuels, including oil and gas.

In his opening speech, al-Jaber mentioned fossil fuels, and the need to include them in the negotiations.

"We need to look for ways to include fossil fuels. I know there are many different ways to look at it. I ask you for flexibility in order to find consensus to keep our sights firmly on our North Star, 1.5 degrees. I'm going to be as focused as a laser beam," said Sultan al-Jaber.

Al-Jaber also highlighted the oil companies' participation in the climate negotiations as something positive.

"We have had many difficult discussions. But now, many companies have decided to have zero methane emissions by 2030, and net zero carbon emissions (in their own operations) by 2050 for the first time. I am glad that they have stepped on this transformative journey. They have taken the lead, so that more can follow.