Teller Report

Lavrov called Moldova the next victim of the West's hybrid war against Russia

11/30/2023, 1:59:42 PM

Highlights: Moldova is destined to be the next victim in the hybrid war against Russia, says Russian Foreign Minister. Lavrov said that with anti-Russian rhetoric about alleged plans for a coup d'état in Moldova, the Moldovan authorities are trying to deflect accusations. The leader of Moldova's opposition party Chance, Alexei Lungu, accused President Maia Sandu of usurping power over the creation of an anti-corruption court. According to Sandu, the purpose of "sabotage is to overthrow the constitutional order in order to transfer the country to Russia"

Moldova is destined to be the next victim in the hybrid war unleashed by the West against Russia, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.

During his speech at the meeting of the OSCE foreign ministers, he noted that one of the thwarted attempts to solve problems in Europe on the principles of the OSCE was the Kozak memorandum, which could have resolved the situation in Moldova 20 years ago.

"NATO and EU Brussels then unceremoniously torpedoed the document already initialed by Chisinau and Tiraspol, and now they are killing the 5 + 2 format... Moldova is destined to be the next victim in the hybrid war unleashed by the West against Russia," Lavrov said.

Earlier, Lavrov said that with anti-Russian rhetoric about alleged plans for a coup d'état in Moldova, the Moldovan authorities are trying to deflect accusations for the failure of socio-economic policy within the country.

On February 13, Moldovan President Maia Sandu expressed confidence that "attacks are being prepared" on the country, because the opposition allegedly seeks a change of power.

According to Sandu, the purpose of "sabotage is to overthrow the constitutional order in order to transfer the country to Russia."

The leader of Moldova's opposition party Chance, Alexei Lungu, accused President Maia Sandu of usurping power over the creation of an anti-corruption court.