Teller Report

Elections in DRC: the European Union announces the cancellation of its observation mission

11/30/2023, 12:28:03 PM

Highlights: The European Union (EU) has decided to cancel its election observation mission in the DRC in its original form. This is due to technical constraints beyond her control. In other words, it has not received permission to deploy its means of communication, including telephones and satellite internet kits. The mission was due to last until November 21, 2023, but has now been cancelled. The European Union has announced that it will not be observing the elections in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)

Elections in DRC: the European Union announces the cancellation of its observation mission


Swedish MEP Malin Björk during the presentation of the European Union observation mission for the general elections in the DRC on November 21, 2023 in Kinshasa. © Courtesy of MOE EU DRC

Video by: Patient Ligodi Follow

The European Union (EU) has decided to cancel its election observation mission in the DRC in its original form. She explains that this is due to technical constraints beyond her control. In other words, it has not received permission to deploy its means of communication, including telephones and satellite internet kits.
