Teller Report

Who is bringing the rhythm to the "sports fan circle"?

11/29/2023, 7:08:06 AM

Highlights: "Fan circle" is the abbreviation of the fan circle. The General Administration of Sports of China and the Chinese Olympic Committee issued a document to resist the spread and infiltration of the "fan circle" chaos into the sports field. A reporter's investigation found that behind the bad habits of "fan circles" that are gradually spreading to the sports fields, many of them have thresholds and division of labor. The reporter noticed that previously, badminton world champion Chen Yufei's life and itinerary were also posted on the Internet by fans.

Hit the list and brush the data, and harass the athletes

Who is bringing the rhythm to the "sports fan circle"?

Recently, "fans" reprimanded the referee for "pressing" the diving champion Quan Hongchan for no reason, and rushed to the hot topic. The General Administration of Sports of China and the Chinese Olympic Committee issued a document to resist the spread and infiltration of the "fan circle" chaos into the sports field.

The reporter's investigation found that behind the bad habits of "fan circles" that are gradually spreading to the sports field, many of them have thresholds and division of labor, and make profits in the form of "auctioning" athletes and selling "peripheral" products. Experts believe that behind the "fan circle" is often oriented around exposure, profit-oriented, and governance should be guided on the basis of effective supervision.


The bad habit of sports "rice circle" has appeared repeatedly

"Fan circle" is the abbreviation of the fan circle. Originally, it referred to a group spontaneously formed by star-chasing fans, but later gradually changed into an organized and professional interest circle. In the positive "fan circle" culture, fans can do public welfare together, donate money and materials, etc. However, in the deformed and harmful "fan circle" culture, fans usually can't distinguish between the boundary and the bottom line, blindly playing lists, insulting each other, and trampling on each other. It is precisely because of this that the spread of the bad habit of resisting the fan circle to the sports field in the past few days has become a topic of concern from all walks of life.

"I really don't understand, could the referee really deliberately give a low score?" After seeing the recent news about Quan Hongchan's competition, sports fan Jin Dawei said. In his eyes, sports competitions are very professional things, and the so-called "insider" and "pressure points" are too extreme, "Before a referee walks on the field, there are many years of practice accumulation and professional judgment. Jin Dawei told reporters that he saw a video clip on the Internet, after the game, Quan Hongchan was interviewed with a little restraint, and her body movements signaled that the surrounding crowd was calm and calm, but there were still bursts of sharp voices outside the screen - "(Score) is low" "Just say!" I'm going to say! ”

The reporter searched and found that there was a lot of information related to the game and the referee on Weibo, social media, web forums and short video platforms. Some platforms have been hot topics for several days, and some abusive or emotionally opposed content has also been generated. According to the data, on the Weibo platform, the topic of "Quan Hongchan fans angrily reprimanded the referee for pressing scores" has 1 million reads and 8,13 interactions, ranking 5th in the highest position on the hot search list, with a duration of 12.5 hours. In the athlete's "Super Talk" community, some netizens reported screenshots of the account content of multiple verbal personal attacks on the athlete, believing that he "tried to lead fans to tear and abuse each other many times, and spread rumors and trampled on them many times..."

Behind the spread of the bad habit of "fan circle" to the sports field, the continuous promotion of topics on some website platforms and social media has also caused people to worry. The reporter's investigation found that the chaos of the "rice circle" that happened to Quan Hongchan was not an isolated case. Previously, there have been many athletes in the sports circle who are unbearable and clearly refuse to "shoot on behalf of others", follow for a long time and other bad habits of "fan circle" that infringe on personal privacy.

Just over a month ago, national table tennis player Wang Chuqin issued a statement on the bad habits of the "rice circle". "Outside the arena, I'm also an ordinary person, and I hope everyone can respect each other's privacy, keep their distance, and give me some personal space to breathe." Wang Chuqin issued a statement through the official fan club, calling for respect for his personal privacy, hoping to resist "proxy shooting" and long-term follow-up shooting.

The reporter noticed that previously, badminton world champion Chen Yufei's life information and flight itinerary were also posted on the Internet by fans. She posted on social media to remind the "fan circle" not to cross the line. Chinese women's basketball player Yang Shuyu also made it clear, "Don't pick up the plane, don't like it, see you on the court, thank you." ”


"Fans" have thresholds and division of labor

Who are these people who blindly shout and harass athletes? How did it come together? The survey found that most of them have thresholds and division of labor behind them.

"There is a fan base on Weibo that communicates with each other on a daily basis, and some athletes also have a group to watch the games when they participate in the competition. But the requirements were quite high, so I didn't join. Xiao Chen, a sports enthusiast, said that most of the fan groups on Weibo have strict review criteria for joining the group, and there are many rules to follow after joining the group. Some groups have proposed that if the system shows that the group has not been opened for more than 30 days, or has not been updated for a long time, or has joined more supertalk groups, etc., it will be "cleared" by the group.

The reporter combed through and found that some fan groups clearly requested that Weibo had posted relevant content about the athlete for three consecutive months, or that the "super talk" level was not lower than level 8.

The so-called "super talk" is the abbreviation of Weibo super topic, which is a circle formed by people with common interests. In "Super Talk", you can get experience points by signing in, commenting, forwarding, etc., you can get 1 experience points by signing in 4 time, and 8 experience points are required to reach level 500.

In addition, many individual athletes' fan groups emphasize that applicants must be "only fans", that is, they only like this one person, and in competitive sports, it is often regarded as "supporting the athlete to win no matter who the opponent is". When a fan asked why the application for inclusion in the group was not approved, an experienced fan explained in the comments that only this one athlete can be followed in this field, "If you also follow other athletes, I guess it won't work." ”

There are thresholds for groups or "organizations", and there is also a division of labor for the specific "work" content of daily life. The reporter found that there are relevant accounts and groups on Weibo, Tieba, short video and other platforms, and some of them have hundreds of thousands or millions of fans. Some of these accounts are operated and managed by individual fans, known as "big fans", and some are "fan stations" run by a group. It can be seen from the recruitment information of a sub-account of a certain station that it has a clear organizational structure, and the division of labor is carried out according to the management group, operation group, copywriting group, art group, video editing group, event planning group and other departments.

According to an industry insider, "Fan Circle" is a product of the new star system and new star culture, and it is also a new form of cultural products. No matter what kind of "fan circle", one of the basic logics of its operation is that everything revolves around exposure. Its division of labor is also an exposure-oriented division of labor. For example, airport pick-up, crew or sports field visits can be regarded as direct exposure; Derivative peripheral products, including cards, signed photos, etc., can be regarded as indirect exposure.


It is customary to sell data and peripherals

"The data lady is dispatched", "The praise and comments are gone"... With the call of big fans, fans clicked on the athlete's new Weibo and began to "do data". In addition to daily retweets of Weibo, sometimes "big fans" will also organize "wheel blogging" activities, that is, a large number of retweets of athletes' Weibo in a short period of time. "When it comes to data in the sports (sports) circle, there will always be many people who think that athletes don't need to engage in these vain things, but are they really not?" Some fans explained that athletes' endorsements need data maintenance, and relevant blog posts also need to control the direction of public opinion.

In addition to the spontaneous behavior of fans, the platform is also fueling the flames behind the scenes in order to get more traffic. A "big fan" with more than 20,<> followers himself posted a screenshot of the voting page and asked, "What is this?" Why do you have two votes in three days? The reporter searched and found that in the field of sports alone, this year's votes include "the most popular athlete of the year", "Asian Games athlete cheering list", "Super Talk Award Annual Competition" and so on. Since you can vote every day, if you want your favorite athletes to rank high, you have to "vote" every day. Despite this, there are still fans who are tired of it, and some people say that they "show the platform popularity" by voting.

These fan accounts, sorting out and publishing all kinds of information every day, organizing online and offline support, are they really completely "generating electricity for love"? Some fans revealed that some "big fans" have opened the Weibo "sharing plan", and they can get a certain amount of income after their blog posts and videos are browsed. But she also mentioned that because some "big fans" will give away support supplies to other fans, "the little money I get from the sharing plan is not enough to do support." However, the reporter searched for multiple related accounts, and the specific income and expenditure were not disclosed.

At the same time, some businesses are also eyeing this bowl of soup for athlete fans, making profits by selling peripheral products and other ways. On shopping platforms, there are merchants selling metal badges and pendants that make use of the image of athletes, and in these stores, they are often selling products related to movie stars, game characters and other characters. In addition, there are also fans who cooperate with merchants to make various athlete peripheral products for sale.

The tentacles that rely on athlete fans to make money also extend to offline. "Out of the arrival map of the athlete's airport", "Pick up the game on behalf of the shooting"... Nowadays, some professional "proxy photographers" focus their cameras on athletes, squatting at airports, competition venues and other places to take pictures, so as to make a profit. "Whose do you want?" The reporter randomly said the name of an athlete, and the "proxy shooting" replied "The arriving ones have been sold, and the departing ones can be photographed for you". According to him, the photos of the people "taken on behalf of" are only sold to one person, and the package price is 250 yuan, including 200 to 300 photos and 1 to 2 videos.

Industry insiders suggest that in order to effectively manage the spread of bad "fan circle" culture to the competitive sports circle, we must first achieve positive value guidance on the basis of effective supervision. For example, the relevant authorities should effectively supervise a series of new market entities, such as organizations and groups that fans chase stars. At the same time, it is also necessary to gradually establish a scientific and reasonable review and evaluation system to lead the values of relevant star-chasing organizations and groups in a timely manner. Only by gradually establishing an effective correlation and restraint mechanism with the new star system and the new market players under the new star culture can we achieve truly effective communication and positive value guidance.

Beijing Evening News reporter Feng Limin Cai Xin