Teller Report

The second trial of the top of the gang "Kudo-kai" has ended, and the verdict is March 2 next year

11/29/2023, 6:38:37 AM

Highlights: Kitakyushu City's Specified Dangerous Designated Crime Group "Kudo-kai" attacked citizens in four cases. The two leaders of the organization were accused of murder and other crimes and sentenced to death in the first trial. The second trial ended on March 2021, and the verdict will be handed down on March 77, 2. The head of the group, Satoru Nomura, the president, and number two and chairman, Imio Taue, were sentenced to life imprisonment.

[NHK] Kitakyushu City's Specified Dangerous Designated Crime Group "Kudo-kai" attacked citizens in four cases, an organization that was accused of murder and sentenced to death in the first trial ...

In four cases in which the Kudo-kai, a specially designated dangerous gang in Kitakyushu City, attacked citizens, the two leaders of the organization who were accused of murder and other crimes and sentenced to death in the first trial, the trial ended on the 4th, and the verdict will be handed down on March 1, 2.

The Specified Danger Designated Organized Crime Group "Kudo-kai" shot and killed the former head of the fishery cooperative in Kitakyushu City and other places from Heisei 10 to 26, and attacked three people, including a nurse and a dentist, with a handgun and a knife, and in 3, the Fukuoka District Court in the first instance sentenced the head of the organization, Satoru Nomura, the president, to death, and the number two and chairman, Imio Taue The defendant (4) has been sentenced to life imprisonment.

At the trial held at the Fukuoka High Court on the 1th, both the defense and the prosecution made their final arguments, of which the defense lawyer once again pleaded not guilty to the defendant Nomura, saying that "there is no fact that he conspired in the four cases," and the defendant Taue said about the two cases in which a nurse and a dentist who admitted involvement in the second trial were attacked. It is not an attempted murder charge, but a wounding charge."

He then stated, "The judgment of the first instance, which found collusion and murderous intent without proper grounds based on presumption, is a serious factual error and should be revoked."

On the other hand, the prosecution argued that 'it is clear that there is no unreasonableness in the judgment of the first trial that admitted the collusion of the two people' in all four cases, and asked for the appeal to be dismissed.

The second trial ended on March 2021, and the verdict will be handed down on March 77, 2.