Teller Report

The Government dismisses the prosecutor of the Juvenile Chamber Eduardo Esteban and curbs the unrest in the prosecutor's career

11/29/2023, 9:09:13 AM

Highlights: The Government dismisses the prosecutor of the Juvenile Chamber Eduardo Esteban and curbs the unrest in the prosecutor's career. The prosecutor supported by Dolores Delgado, whose appointment was annulled twice by the Supreme Court, will appeal to the Constitutional Court of Pumpido. The delay in executing the ruling - which has been final since the judgment was notified to the parties in July - led the Association of Prosecutors on Monday to send a letter to the State Attorney General, Álvaro García Ortiz, where they told him that no act has been carried out in execution of it.

The Ministry of Justice, currently headed by Félix Bolaños, has agreed to the dismissal of the prosecutor of the Juvenile Division, Eduardo Esteban, in compliance with the sentences handed down...

  • Government and Prosecutor's Courts Maintain "Four Months" After Prosecutor Esteban Fails to Comply with Supreme Court Ruling
  • Eduardo Esteban: The prosecutor supported by Dolores Delgado, whose appointment was annulled twice by the Supreme Court, will appeal to the Constitutional Court of Pumpido

The Ministry of Justice, currently headed by Félix Bolaños, has agreed to the dismissal of the prosecutor of the Juvenile Division, Eduardo Esteban, in compliance with the sentences handed down in July by the Supreme Court.

The Official State Gazette published on Wednesday the decree of dismissal of the prosecutor promoted on two occasions by former Attorney General Dolores Delgado. Esteban thus loses the highest category of the prosecutor's career with the corresponding emoluments that come with the position.

The Contentious-Administrative Chamber of the High Court revoked Esteban's appointment for the second time last July. This prosecutor, a member of the Progressive Union of Prosecutors (UPF), was promoted to the highest category of the Prosecutor's Career by the former minister and former attorney general Delgado. Categorically, the Supreme Court responded to Delgado that the attorney general can "legitimately consider some people more valuable and suitable than others (...) but elevating this inevitable bias to an explicit, objective and legitimate criterion of preference is not in accordance with the law".

The delay in executing the ruling - which has been final since the judgment was notified to the parties in July - led the Association of Prosecutors on Monday to send a letter to the State Attorney General, Álvaro García Ortiz, where they told him that "four months after the sentence was handed down, the situation is that no act has been carried out in execution of it or by the Ministry of Justice." Justice or the Attorney General's Office. In an institution such as the one you lead, in charge of defending legality and ensuring the independence of the courts, we understand that the decision of the Supreme Court must be obeyed, recognized and complied with as quickly as possible."

  • Supreme Court