Teller Report

The double macho murder of Carabanchel was unleashed after the jealous DJ saw a hickey on his wife's neck

11/29/2023, 3:28:40 AM

Highlights: Anthony, 25, stabbed his 24-year-old partner and five- year-old daughter to death in a flat in Carabanchel (Madrid) in the early hours of Monday morning. He had been tormented for weeks by the suspicion that his wife was with another man. Neighbors say they heard a fight between the couple a few days ago in which the man shouted, "If you leave me, I'll kill you" The double murderer is still admitted to the 12 de Octubre Hospital.

Anthony, the 25-year-old DJ who stabbed his 24-year-old partner and five-year-old daughter to death in a flat in Carabanchel (Madrid) in the early hours of Monday morning, was very jealous and had been in a state of...

  • Events The police extended the surveillance of the victim of the murderous DJ of Carabanchel after the judge lifted his protection

Anthony, the 25-year-old DJ who stabbed his 24-year-old partner and five-year-old daughter to death in a flat in Carabanchel (Madrid) in the early hours of Monday morning, was very jealous and had been tormented for weeks by the suspicion that his wife was with another man. She, Tatiana, had definitely decided to separate from him two months ago and had told Anthony and his relatives. I didn't want to give him any more chances; he couldn't stand the fact that every day I was asking him if there was a third person. The breakup of the couple was imminent and Anthony was already looking for an apartment to move into. They had agreed that by next December he would leave the house where they lived together.

On Sunday night, hours before the double crime, the jealous young man saw that his partner had a red mark on his neck, a hickey, according to Tatiana's father. The man asked her to explain the bruise and asked who had done it.

Anthony even went so far as to phone his mother-in-law in Peru to tell her that her daughter was with someone else. That night, Anthony slit the throat of his five-year-old daughter and then stabbed his wife to death. Then he tried to slit his own throat. The double murderer is still admitted to the 12 de Octubre Hospital.

Fran, Tatiana's father, confirmed yesterday in statements to the Antena 3 program Espejo Público that his son-in-law was very jealous and that he even went to the psychologist for treatment. "My daughter told me two months ago that they were going to separate, that she couldn't stand her jealousy, that she couldn't take it anymore, and it's true that he was already looking for another room to move in," said the father, who assured that his daughter and son-in-law resumed the relationship in 2020 after a breakup, and since then the episodes of abuse by Anthony had not been repeated. "This is something we didn't expect, no one could imagine that it could happen, I don't know if I did things wrong," the father of the murdered woman has reiterated. Neighbors say they heard a fight between the couple a few days ago in which the man shouted, "If you leave me, I'll kill you."

Already in September 2020, Tatiana denounced her partner for mistreatment. She then told the police that she was insulted, beaten and that she was even threatened with a knife on one occasion. As a result of this complaint, Tatiana was considered to be a high-risk victim due to the presence of the child. A judge agreed to a restraining order for the man and a ban on communicating with Tatiana. For more than a month, the man slept in his car and lived on the street.

A month later, in October 2020, the woman backtracked and the protection order was canceled. He recoiled, suspecting that Anthony wanted to return to Peru and that he might take the girl back home.

The couple resumed the relationship. Despite this, the Municipal Police continued to monitor the woman and call her weekly for seven more months to confirm that the abuse was not repeated. The trial was held in December 2022 as a result of the complaint of ill-treatment. It was then that she pointed out that she did not remember anything and, in the absence of evidence and witnesses, he was acquitted.

Yesterday, Tatiana's father also asked for financial help to pay for the burial and repatriation of the bodies of his daughter and granddaughter. He said that he has been asked for about 9,500 euros, money that he does not have, so he has contacted the embassy to see if they can help them.

  • Carabanchel
  • Peru
  • Antenna 3
  • Justice
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