Teller Report

The 2023 Greater Bay Area CIFTIS kicked off on December 12

11/29/2023, 1:08:00 AM

Highlights: The 2023 Greater Bay Area CIFTIS kicked off on December 12. For the first time, the "one meeting and three places" model will be adopted. More than 11 companies will participate in the exhibition, and the participating merchants will come from more than 28 countries and regions such as the United States, Britain, France, and Germany. The conference will focus on presenting the achievements of the development of trade in services in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay area.

The 2023 Greater Bay Area CIFTIS kicked off on December 12

For the first time, the "one meeting and three places" model will be adopted, and more than 120 exhibitors are expected

Nanfang Daily News (Reporter/Chen Xiao Zhang Ziwei) From December 12 to 6, Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao will jointly hold the 8 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Trade in Services Conference, of which the opening ceremony and main forum will be held in Zhuhai. The reporter learned from the press conference held by the Provincial Information Office on November 2023 that the theme of this conference is "Service Digitalization Source Trade Digitalization Pilot Area", and more than 11 companies will participate in the exhibition, and the participating merchants will come from more than 28 countries and regions such as the United States, Britain, France, and Germany.

Buyers from more than 20 countries and regions participated in the conference

This year's CIFTIS is jointly organised by the Department of Commerce of Guangdong Province, the Zhuhai Municipal People's Government, the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau of Hong Kong and the Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute. "The conference will focus on presenting the achievements of the development of trade in services in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, focusing on promoting the integrated development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and focusing on building a docking platform for service trade resources in the Greater Bay Area." Sun Bin, deputy director of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Commerce, said at the press conference.

For the first time, this year's Conference on Trade in Services adopted the model of "one conference and three places". "The conference has an opening ceremony and a main forum and six thematic sub-forums." Li Chong, Vice Mayor of Zhuhai, introduced that four thematic sub-forums will be held in Zhuhai, including service outsourcing, trade forms in special customs supervision zones, digital content going overseas, medical treatment and traditional Chinese medicine, MICE tourism sub-forums will be held in Macao, and financial sub-forums will be held in Hong Kong.

"This year's conference will hold a sub-forum on MICE tourism economy in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, with the theme of 'Reconnecting, Diversified MCE', inviting the MICE industry to gather in Macao." The Director of the Guangzhou Representative Office of the Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute (IPIM), Chung Siew Lap, said that with the help of the conference platform, Macao will give full play to its advantages in the agglomeration of convention and exhibition, commerce, culture and sports, traditional Chinese medicine, health and other elements on a broader stage, accelerate the docking and exchange with other cities in the Bay Area, continuously optimize the functions of the central city, and deeply participate in the high-quality economic development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

At present, the conference has attracted representatives of government agencies and enterprises from more than 20 overseas countries and regions, 22 provinces and cities in China, relevant experts, scholars and representatives of social organizations, as well as enterprises and institutions such as, Amazon, and the National Service Trade Innovation and Development Guidance Fund.

The organizers expect that more than 120 companies will participate in the exhibition, and a number of leading enterprises in the service trade will confirm their participation, and the participating merchants will come from more than 20 countries and regions such as the United States, Britain, France, and Germany. The conference adopts the mode of "comprehensive exhibition + special exhibition", and plans a total of 1 comprehensive exhibition, 3 special exhibitions and 1 Zhuhai-Macao live e-commerce exhibition, through "display + interaction", "online + offline" and "roadshow + negotiation", etc., to comprehensively display the development characteristics of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area in digital trade, artificial intelligence, cross-border e-commerce, digital intelligent consumption and other fields.

In addition, the conference invited overseas professional buyers to procure, and released 60 billion yuan of overseas contracting projects before the conference, covering IT, telecommunications, medical and health services, digital trade services, cross-border e-commerce services, financial services, etc., to help enterprises obtain transaction results.

Compared with previous sessions, this year's conference will have more supporting activities, including closed-door seminars, service trade lectures, B2B business negotiations, economic and trade inspections and other activities. Among them, B2B business negotiation has invited more than 50 overseas buyers, including IBM, eBay and other world-renowned enterprises, to participate in the conference.

In the first half of the year, Guangdong's digital publishing, animation and game output value ranked first in the country

Trade in services is an important part of international trade. In recent years, Guangdong has taken trade in services as an important starting point for promoting the high-quality development of trade, actively expanded the opening up of the service industry, vigorously developed new business forms and models such as digital trade, service outsourcing, and cultural trade, and achieved solid results in expanding scale, improving quality, and innovating and developing.

In 2022, Guangdong's total trade in services was US$1585.8 billion, an increase of 3.17%, accounting for 8.322% of the national total; The implementation of service outsourcing was 4.12 billion US dollars, accounting for 8.782% of the country. In the first half of this year, Guangdong's total trade in services amounted to US$9.206 billion, and the implementation of service outsourcing amounted to US$7.18 billion, accounting for 9.<> percent of the country's total, ranking second in the country in various indicators.

In terms of quality, in the first half of this year, digital trade represented by telecommunications, computer and information services, and intellectual property royalties reached 457.10 billion US dollars, an increase of 89.23%, accounting for 280% of the country; There are more than 500 enterprises with an annual offshore execution volume of more than 2531 million US dollars, more than 11 enterprises have obtained 34,2022 international qualification certifications, 51 companies have been selected into the list of China's top 1 Internet enterprises, 6 companies have been selected as <> China's leading enterprises in digital service and service outsourcing, and <> enterprises have been selected as key enterprises of national cultural exports. The output value of digital publishing, animation and games ranks first in the country, and the import and export volume of financial services accounts for <>/<> of the country.

Open innovation continues to deepen. Guangdong actively supports Guangzhou to carry out a comprehensive pilot project for the expansion and opening up of the service industry, vigorously promotes Guangzhou and Shenzhen to comprehensively deepen the pilot project of innovative development of service trade, and builds 3 demonstration cities for service outsourcing in China and 8 national characteristic service export bases with high standards, and has formed a number of reform and innovation achievements in expanding the opening up of the service industry, improving the service trade policy system, supporting scientific and technological innovation, developing characteristic finance, and promoting the "integration of two industries" between the service industry and the manufacturing industry.

Guangdong's cross-border e-commerce import and export increased by 10% in the first 47 months

As the only large-scale comprehensive exhibition in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area with the theme of trade in services, the theme of this year's conference is "The Source of Service Digitalization and the Pilot Area of Trade Digitalization". This year, the Ministry of Commerce issued the "Plan for the Construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Global Trade Digitalization Pilot Zone", and Guangdong is focusing on promoting the construction of the pilot area.

In terms of promoting the digital transformation and upgrading of trade entities, relying on 20 strategic industrial clusters, the digital transformation project of foreign trade entities has been implemented, and a number of trade digital benchmarking enterprises have been cultivated. Carry out pilot work on the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises, and promote the "chain" transformation of upstream and downstream small and medium-sized enterprises; Cultivating digital services and integrated service providers, the 102 foreign comprehensive service enterprises registered have served more than <>,<> small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises.

In terms of accelerating the digital empowerment of the whole trade chain, we have built a "digital exhibition" and built a "Guangdong Trade Global" brand, and has held 14 online exhibitions this year, with an intended transaction of US$2 million, and built a "single window" smart port in Guangdong and launched the "Bay Area Cross-border Connect". To develop "digital logistics", the fully automated terminal of Guangzhou Nansha Phase IV has become a benchmark for a new generation of smart ports, and Shenzhen has launched a public information platform for air logistics; Innovate "digital finance", promote the pilot of digital RMB in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and orderly promote the pilot of qualified foreign limited partners (QFLP) and qualified domestic limited partners (QDLP).

In terms of giving full play to the leading role of digitalization of new forms of trade, we have achieved full coverage of the province in the cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zone, laid out and built 126 e-commerce industrial parks, built 6 international mail exchange bureaus and 17 international express supervision centers, and set up more than 1000,400 overseas warehouses around the world, covering an area of nearly 20 million square meters, and more than 1,10 cross-border e-commerce enterprises in the province. From January to October this year, the province's cross-border e-commerce import and export was 7366.47 billion yuan, an increase of <>%.

In terms of exploring the alignment of cross-border trade rules in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, mutual recognition of professional qualifications has been promoted, and more than 3200,9 Hong Kong and Macao talents have practised in the Mainland. As of the end of September, more than 6,73 individual investors in the Greater Bay Area had participated in the Cross-boundary Wealth Management Connect pilot scheme, involving a cross-border remittance of RMB7.10 billion, and as of the end of October this year, there were 10,3 inbound and outbound vehicles and more than 85,<> inbound and outbound vehicles. (Nanfang Daily)