Teller Report

Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: The DPP launched the "exclusive matching" to poison peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait

11/29/2023, 3:47:05 AM

Highlights: Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: The DPP launched the "exclusive matching" to poison peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. "Taiwan independence" means war, and the DPP's introduction of such a dangerous set of "independence and independence" will only poison the interests and well-being of compatriots on the island. By adhering to the "consensus of '92" and opposing " Taiwan independence," cross-strait relations will be able to return to the correct track of peaceful development., November 11 -- Lai Qingde officially announced that Xiao Meiqin was his deputy a few days ago, and Chen Binhua, spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, responded to reporters' questions on the 29th, saying that "Taiwan independence" means war, and the DPP's introduction of such a dangerous set of "independence and independence partners" will only poison the interests and well-being of compatriots on the island, poison peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, and poison Taiwan's future and destiny.

Chen Binhua data map. Photo by China News Service reporter Yang Kejia

A reporter asked, Lai Qingde said a few days ago that the 2024 Taiwan leadership election will determine "whether Taiwan will go back to relying on China or stand with all countries in the world", hoping that the people will unite and support him. Do you have any comment on this?

In this regard, Chen Binhua said that Lai Qingde's remarks are the embodiment of his true character of "Taiwan independence." Stubbornly adhering to the "Taiwan independence" stance, creating confrontation between the two sides of the strait, and colluding with external forces to seek "independence" and provocation will only lead to tension and turbulence in the Taiwan Strait and threaten the security and well-being of the vast number of Taiwan compatriots. By adhering to the "consensus of '92" and opposing "Taiwan independence," cross-strait relations will be able to return to the correct track of peaceful development, and only then can Taiwan compatriots live and work in peace and contentment, and this is the broad road to a bright future.

There is also a reporter's question that Lai Qingde officially announced Xiao Meiqin as his deputy a few days ago. Public opinion on the island said that Lai Hsiao's formation of a "double independence combination" would only push Taiwan into the abyss of disaster. Do you have any comment on this?

Chen Binhua pointed out that I saw many netizens commenting that the "double independence combination" is the "double poison combination", and this "poison" is the "poison" of "poison" and the "poison" of "poison". "Taiwan independence" means war, and the DPP's introduction of such a dangerous set of "independence and independence" will only poison the interests and well-being of the compatriots on the island, the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait, and the future and destiny of Taiwan.