Teller Report

Smartphone use in committee deliberations "Consideration of mitigation first in the House of Representatives" Ruling and opposition party volunteers

11/29/2023, 8:27:21 AM

Highlights: Smartphone use in committee deliberations "Consideration of mitigation first in the House of Representatives" Ruling and opposition party volunteers. In response to the fact that Digital Minister Kono tried to answer while searching on a smartphone during the committee deliberations and was warned by the chairman of the committee. Former environment minister Koizumi of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) said, "I would like to open up the current situation where the Diet is not making progress despite the government calling for the promotion of DX and digitalization in the world"

[NHK] In response to the fact that Digital Minister Kono tried to answer while searching on a smartphone during the committee deliberations and was warned by the chairman of the committee, the Liberal Democratic Party's small ...

In response to Digital Minister Kono's attempt to answer questions while searching on a smartphone during a committee deliberation, and being warned by the chairman of the committee, former environment minister Koizumi of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and other members of the ruling and opposition parties expressed their intention to ask the House of Representatives to first consider easing the use of smartphones.

On the 29th, volunteer members of the ruling and opposition parties, including former Environment Minister Koizumi of the Liberal Democratic Party, Representative Tamaki of the National Democratic Party, and Chairman of the Diet Measures Committee of the Japan Restoration Party, Endo, spoke to reporters in the Diet.

In this context, Digital Minister Kono was warned by the chairman of the committee at the deliberations of the House of Councillors Budget Committee on the 27th that he was trying to answer while searching on his smartphone, and he appealed that it is natural to comply with the rules, but if they are outdated, they should be changed.

He also indicated that he would first set up a subcommittee in the House of Representatives Administration Committee to discuss the digitalization of the Diet and ask the House of Representatives to consider easing the use of smartphones.

Mr. Endo, who serves as a member of the House Administration Committee, will make a proposal in the near future.

Mr. Koizumi said, "I would like to open up the current situation where the Diet is not making progress despite the fact that the government is calling for the promotion of DX and digitalization in the world."

Communist Party Chairman of the Committee: "The seriousness of the question will be questioned"

At a press conference, the Communist Party's chairman of the Diet Measures Committee, Mr. Granada, said, "The House Administration Committee has decided that no one should use radio waves to communicate with ministries and agencies using computers or other means to answer questions.