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Shenzhen-Hong Kong literary and artistic circles discuss cooperation in "A Tale of Two Cities"

11/29/2023, 1:17:14 AM

Highlights: Shenzhen-Hong Kong literary and artistic circles discuss cooperation in "A Tale of Two Cities".. Shenzhen Special Zone News (Reporter Pan Baoyi) On November 11, the exchange symposium was held at the Shenzhen Public Culture and Art Creation Center. The symposium aims to exchange views on the development of culture and art in Shenzhen and Hong Kong, and promote the integration of art and culture in the Greater Bay Area. At the symposium, Liang Yu said that the exchanges between Shenzhen. and Hong Hong are very close, especially in the context of the major strategic construction of the Guangdong-Hong. Kong-Macao Greater Bay area.

Shenzhen Special Zone News (Reporter Pan Baoyi) On November 11, the exchange symposium between the literary and artistic circles of Shenzhen and Hong Kong was held at the Shenzhen Public Culture and Art Creation Center (Shenzhen Art Institute). The symposium aims to exchange views on the development of culture and art in Shenzhen and Hong Kong, and promote the integration of culture and art in the Greater Bay Area. Liang Yu, Vice Chairman of the Guangdong Federation of Literary and Art Circles and Secretary of the Party Group of the Shenzhen Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Jin Xiu, Member of the Party Group and Full-time Vice Chairman of the Shenzhen Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Zhao Dong, Member of the Party Group and Full-time Vice Chairman of the Shenzhen Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Peng Jie, Secretary-General of the Hong Kong Federation of Literary and Art Circles, He Jiakun, International Consultant of the Hong Kong Performing Arts Expo 28, and relevant responsible comrades of various literary and artistic associations in Shenzhen and Hong Kong attended the symposium, and Jin Xiu presided over the symposium.

At the symposium, Liang Yu said that the exchanges between Shenzhen and Hong Kong are very close, especially in the context of the major strategic construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Shenzhen and Hong Kong are the core engines of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, with long-term and solid cooperation and still deepening, forming a good situation of you have me and I have you. Over the years, Shenzhen's literary and artistic circles have always attached great importance to literary and artistic exchanges and cooperation with Hong Kong, and the Shenzhen Federation of Literary and Art Circles has organized Shenzhen artists to participate in Hong Kong Arts Festival, Art Basel, Hong Kong International Film Festival and other activities, and various literary and artistic associations under the Shenzhen Federation of Literary and Art Circles have carried out more than 60 exchange activities with Hong Kong. The development of a series of literary and artistic exchanges, exhibitions and performances has enhanced the feelings of the literary and artistic circles of Shenzhen and Hong Kong, and laid a good foundation for in-depth cooperation between the two sides. He hoped that on the basis of the consensus of the strategic cooperation framework agreement, the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Federation of Literary and Art Circles would promote the cooperation and integration of high-quality cultural and artistic resources between the two places, promote the inheritance and development of the excellent traditional Chinese culture of the two places, and jointly create brand activities and masterpieces with global influence, highlighting the unique cultural charm of the Greater Bay Area.

Subsequently, Peng Jie introduced that since its establishment three years ago, the Hong Kong Federation of Literary and Art Circles has attracted 14 associations and more than 300 members, and is committed to building a home for Hong Kong artists. She believes that there are many cultural products, works and performances in Hong Kong every year, which are very rich and colorful, and many of them have Hong Kong characteristics. "We come here with a learning mentality, and we also hope to further promote exchanges and docking between the two places, present more cultural works, tell Hong Kong stories well, and let more audiences see them."

In the free discussion session, everyone spoke freely, not only reviewing the practical actions of the literary and artistic circles of Shenzhen and Hong Kong to promote cultural co-operation and exchanges, but also jointly drawing a beautiful blueprint for the literary and artistic workers of the two places to work together with one heart and one mind. Jin Xiu believes that this symposium will become an important node for Shenzhen-Hong Kong literary and artistic cooperation and exchanges, and will play an important role in writing a more exciting chapter of "A Tale of Two Cities" for literary and artistic cooperation and exchanges in the future. (Shenzhen Special Zone Daily)