Teller Report

Saudi Arabia gets the 2030 World Expo

11/29/2023, 12:17:14 AM

Highlights: Saudi Arabia will host the World Expo in 2030. The event will be held in the Saudi capital, Riyadh. Human rights groups are critical of how the country handles human rights. The World Expo is held every five years and the host country is chosen by the Paris-based exhibition agency BIE, in which 182 countries are represented. The next event will take place in Osaka, Japan in 2025, and the last was held in London in 1851, with the Eiffel Tower among the famous works of art.

Despite protests from human rights groups, Saudi Arabia is allowed to host the World Expo in 2030.

This is clear after a vote on Tuesday, in which Saudi Arabia won by a clear majority the hosting of the World Expo 2030 ahead of competing bids from Italy (Rome) and South Korea (Busan).

The exhibition runs from October 2030 to March 2031 and is titled "A Time of Change: Together for a Forward-Looking Tomorrow," according to the Saudi courier. Its location will be the Saudi capital, Riyadh.

Critical of the country's view of humanity

A number of human rights groups are critical of Saudi Arabia being allowed to host the exhibition because of how the country handles human rights.

They claim that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman's alleged reform efforts to modernize the country conceal a reality where the death penalty and executions are commonplace and where freedom of expression is severely restricted.

However, in his closing remarks, Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan pledged an "unwavering commitment to working with all nations to deliver an Expo built by the world for the world."

The Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous works in the exhibition

The World Expo is held every five years and the host country is chosen by the Paris-based exhibition agency BIE, in which 182 countries are represented. The next event will be held in Osaka, Japan in 2025.

The first exhibition was held in London in 1851 and since then the countries have gone in hard to outdo each other with technical innovations and architecture, sometimes works of art. Among other things, the Eiffel Tower was built for the World Exhibition in Paris in 1889 and Pablo Picasso's famous painting "Guernica" was chosen to represent Spain in Paris in 1937.