Teller Report

Relief for Victims of the Former Unification Church Representative Izumi Rikmin Liberal Democratic Party and Other Three-Party Bill "Not a Total Denial"

11/29/2023, 2:47:03 AM

Highlights: Relief for Victims of the Former Unification Church Representative Izumi Rikmin Liberal Democratic Party and Other Three-Party Bill "Not a Total Denial". [NHK] Regarding the relief of victims of the former Unification. Church, Representative Izumi of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan said that the bill submitted by the three parties of the Liberal. Democratic Party, Komeito, and the National Democratic Party has strengthened support for civil lawsuits. He stressed the need to add measures to the text to protect the assets of the denomination.

[NHK] Regarding the relief of victims of the former Unification Church, Representative Izumi of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan said that the bill submitted by the three parties of the Liberal Democratic Party, Komeito, and the National Democratic Party has strengthened support for civil lawsuits ...

Regarding the relief for victims of the former Unification Church, Representative Izumi of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan praised the bill submitted by the three parties of the Liberal Democratic Party, Komeito, and the National Democratic Party, which included strengthening support for civil lawsuits, and emphasized the need to add measures to the article to protect the assets of the church, and emphasized the need to hasten coordination with the three parties.

Representative Izumi of the Constitutional Democratic Party appeared on Radio Japan's program "Keiko Iwase's Smart News" on the morning of the 29th.

In his remarks, Mr. Izumi commented on the bill submitted by the three parties, the Liberal Democratic Party, Komeito, and the National Democratic Party, regarding the relief of victims of the former Unification Church, saying, "Actually, it is not a total denial.

He added, "In the past, even in Aum Shinrikyo, there were cases where property was transferred or real estate was sold, so I would like to prevent it, and if the bill of the three parties is combined with the proper implementation of property preservation included in our bill, it will be a substantial relief for the victims, and I would like to proceed with negotiations and make it fruitful." He stressed the need to add measures to the text to protect the assets of the denomination, and urged him to urgently coordinate with the three parties.