Teller Report

Pro-Gaza demonstrations and global interaction on Palestine Solidarity Day

11/29/2023, 7:07:29 PM

Highlights: The International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People falls on November 29 of each year. In Tunisia, hundreds demonstrated in the capital Tunis on Wednesday in support of the resistance in Palestine. In Denmark, the Danish Parliament organized a session inside its headquarters in Copenhagen to commemorate the International Day. In Britain, students from some schools and universities demonstrated to demand an end to Israel's genocide of Palestinians in Gaza, a permanent ceasefire and humanitarian access to the population of the Strip. In South Africa, activists posted photos and videos of some of the demonstration's activities, where participants called for boycott of Israeli goods.

Demonstrations in support of Gaza and wide interaction with the Day of Solidarity with Palestine in Arab and Western countries, and regional and international organizations organize activities in support of Palestine.

Demonstration in Tunisia in support of Gaza on the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People (Anatolia)

Many countries around the world witnessed solidarity activities with Palestine and demonstrations demanding an end to the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, which falls on November 29 of each year.

In Tunisia, hundreds demonstrated in the capital Tunis on Wednesday in support of the resistance in Palestine, and raised slogans glorifying the Palestinian resistance against the usurping Israeli occupation, and affirming the right of the Palestinian people to resist the occupation and liberate their land.

The participants in the demonstration, which roamed the streets of the capital, Tunis, demanded an end to the Israeli war on Gaza, and condemned the massacres committed by the occupation against the Palestinians in the Strip.

Anadolu Agency quoted Mohammed al-Kalawi, a member of the executive bureau of the Ennahda movement, as saying, "This is the least duty we do to advocate for the Palestinian cause, and if we can provide something better, we will not skimp, and we would have invited our bases to participate in all demonstrations that support the cause, regardless of the party calling for it."

Al-Kalawi explained that the participation in the demonstration in support of Palestine comes within the framework of the Tunisian people's response to the call of Hamas, which called in an official statement to demonstrate strongly on the International Day in Support of the Palestinian Cause.

Demonstrators roamed the streets of Tunis, chanting slogans in support of Palestine and against the Israeli occupation (Anatolia)

Broad Arab solidarity

Many other Arab countries also witnessed demonstrations and events in support of Palestine, and the Egyptian Foreign Ministry issued a statement in solidarity with the Palestinian people.

In its statement, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry expressed Egypt's solidarity "with the steadfast people of Palestine, confirming the presence of the Palestinian cause alive and present in international forums and in the global conscience."

The ministry's statement stressed Egypt's "permanent and unlimited support for the Palestinian people" and called for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and the achievement of a just and comprehensive settlement of the Palestinian issue based on the two-state solution.

In a statement issued by its foreign ministry, Oman affirmed its "firm support for the justice of the Palestinian cause."

In Iraq, Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, in a statement, directed official institutions to celebrate the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, stressing the need to end the suffering of Gaza.

In a statement, First Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Mohsen al-Mandalawi stressed Iraq's support for Palestine, stressing the need for Arab and international action to stop the crimes of genocide committed by the Israeli occupation against the Palestinian people.

Protesters in Johannesburg demand ceasefire, call for boycott of Israeli (French) goods

Events and demonstrations in Europe and Africa

In Denmark, the Danish Parliament organized on Wednesday a session inside its headquarters in Copenhagen to commemorate the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, in which human rights activists participated in addition to members of parliament, and demanded a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and demanded the lifting of the siege on the Strip.

In Britain, which has seen mass demonstrations in support of Gaza in recent weeks, students from some schools and universities demonstrated to demand an end to Israel's genocide of Palestinians in Gaza, a permanent ceasefire and humanitarian access to the population of the Strip.

The city of Johannesburg, South Africa, also witnessed a mass demonstration in solidarity with the Palestinian people, and activists on social media posted photos and videos that included some of the demonstration's activities, where participants called for a boycott of Israeli goods.

Demonstration in Britain demanding an end to the war on Gaza on the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People (Anatolia)

Unified Arabic Radio Broadcast

The day also witnessed the activities of the unified radio broadcast in support of the Palestinian cause, through the Kingdom of Jordan Radio, in cooperation with the Arab States Broadcasting Union, in commemoration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

11 Arab radio stations are participating in the unified broadcast, which began at ten in the morning and continues until nine at night Jordan time, according to the Jordan News Agency.

For its part, the Arab League organized a protest in front of the League's headquarters in Cairo today, in commemoration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

Ambassador Said Abu Ali, Assistant Secretary-General for Palestine Affairs to the Arab League, said in a speech at the vigil that "the war of extermination and destruction in Gaza will not affect the determination of the Palestinians to obtain an independent state."

A march in Ramallah, in the West Bank, Palestine, also took place to commemorate the occasion, in which participants affirmed the right of the Palestinian people to establish their independent state, and called on the international community to intervene urgently to stop the Israeli aggression on Gaza.

Source : Al Jazeera + Agencies